
How Is Hydropower Stored?

by Krystal

Hydropower is one of the oldest and most widely used renewable energy sources. It harnesses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. However, the process of storing this energy for later use is equally important to ensure a stable and reliable power supply. This article explores various methods and technologies used to store hydropower.

Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH)

Pumped storage hydropower (PSH) is the most common method for storing hydropower. It involves two water reservoirs at different elevations. During periods of low electricity demand, excess energy is used to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir. During periods of high electricity demand, the stored water is released from the upper reservoir to flow back down to the lower reservoir, passing through turbines to generate electricity.


Components of PSH:

Upper Reservoir: Stores water at a higher elevation.


Lower Reservoir: Collects water after it has generated electricity.


Pumps and Turbines: Pump water uphill and generate electricity during the return flow.


Penstocks: Large pipes that carry water between reservoirs.

Advantages of PSH:

Efficiency: PSH systems have a high round-trip efficiency, typically between 70-85%.

Scalability: Can store large amounts of energy.

Response Time: Can quickly respond to changes in electricity demand.

SEE ALSO: Why is Hydropower Bad for the Environment?

Battery Storage Integration

While hydropower itself doesn’t directly involve battery storage, integrating batteries with hydropower systems can enhance storage capabilities. Batteries can store surplus electricity generated by hydropower plants and release it when needed.

Types of Batteries Used:

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Common due to their high energy density and efficiency.

Flow Batteries: Suitable for large-scale storage with long discharge durations.

Benefits of Battery Storage Integration:

Grid Stability: Helps balance supply and demand.

Renewable Integration: Facilitates the use of other renewable sources like solar and wind.

Peak Shaving: Reduces the need for peaking power plants.

Reservoir Hydropower

Reservoir hydropower involves large dams that store vast amounts of water in reservoirs. This water can be released to generate electricity as needed, effectively storing the potential energy of the water.

Key Features:

Large Storage Capacity: Can store significant amounts of water.

Regulated Release: Water can be released in a controlled manner to match electricity demand.

Environmental Considerations:

Ecosystem Impact: Large reservoirs can impact local ecosystems and displace communities.

Sediment Management: Dams can trap sediments, affecting downstream ecosystems.

Run-of-River Hydropower with Storage

Run-of-river hydropower plants typically have little or no storage capacity. However, combining them with small reservoirs or ponds can provide short-term storage and regulate flow.


Diversion Weir: Directs a portion of the river flow to the power plant.

Small Reservoir: Provides short-term water storage.

Tailrace: Returns water to the river downstream of the plant.


Minimal Environmental Impact: Smaller footprint compared to large reservoirs.

Continuous Operation: Can operate continuously with river flow.

Gravity-Based Energy Storage

Gravity-based energy storage involves using excess electricity to lift heavy objects or masses to a higher elevation. When electricity is needed, the stored energy is released by lowering the mass, driving a generator.

How It Works:

Lifting Mechanism: Uses electric motors to lift a heavy mass.

Energy Release: The mass is lowered, converting potential energy into electricity.


Simplicity: Relies on basic principles of gravity and mechanical energy.

Durability: Minimal wear and tear compared to other storage technologies.

Hydrogen Production and Storage

Excess electricity from hydropower can be used to produce hydrogen through electrolysis. The hydrogen can then be stored and used later to generate electricity through fuel cells or combustion turbines.

Electrolysis Process:

Water Splitting: Uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Hydrogen Storage: Stored in tanks or underground caverns.


Fuel Cells: Generate electricity with high efficiency.

Industrial Use: Hydrogen can be used in various industrial processes.


Efficiency: The overall efficiency of hydrogen storage and conversion is lower compared to other methods.

Infrastructure: Requires significant infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution.

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

Compressed air energy storage (CAES) involves using excess electricity to compress air and store it in underground caverns or tanks. When electricity is needed, the compressed air is released and used to generate electricity through turbines.


Compression System: Compresses air during periods of low demand.

Storage Caverns: Underground caverns or tanks store the compressed air.

Turbines: Generate electricity when the compressed air is released.


Large-Scale Storage: Suitable for storing large amounts of energy.

Long-Term Storage: Can store energy for extended periods.


Efficiency: Overall efficiency can be lower than other storage methods.

Geological Requirements: Requires suitable underground formations for storage.

Flywheel Energy Storage

Flywheel energy storage involves using excess electricity to spin a flywheel at high speeds. The stored kinetic energy can be converted back into electricity when needed.

How It Works:

Energy Input: Electric motors spin the flywheel, storing kinetic energy.

Energy Release: The flywheel’s kinetic energy is converted back to electricity through generators.


High Efficiency: Can achieve high round-trip efficiency.

Fast Response: Can quickly release stored energy.


Short-Term Storage: Typically used for short-term energy storage.

Capacity: Limited energy storage capacity compared to other methods.

Hybrid Energy Storage Systems

Combining different energy storage technologies can optimize the benefits of each and provide a more reliable and flexible storage solution. For example, integrating pumped storage hydropower with battery storage can offer both long-term and short-term storage capabilities.


Enhanced Reliability: Combines the strengths of different storage methods.

Flexibility: Can respond to various grid demands and conditions.

Optimized Performance: Balances efficiency, capacity, and response time.


Complexity: Managing multiple storage systems can be complex.

Cost: Higher initial investment compared to single storage methods.

Economic and Environmental Considerations

Storing hydropower involves various economic and environmental considerations. The cost of storage technologies, their environmental impact, and their contribution to grid stability and renewable integration are crucial factors.

Economic Factors:

Capital Costs: Initial investment for storage infrastructure.

Operational Costs: Maintenance and operational expenses.

Return on Investment: Long-term savings and revenue generation.

Environmental Impact:

Ecosystem Disruption: Impact on local ecosystems and wildlife.

Resource Use: Water use and management.

Carbon Footprint: Emissions related to construction and operation.

Future Trends in Hydropower Storage

Advancements in technology and increasing demand for renewable energy are driving innovation in hydropower storage. Future trends include:

Improved Efficiency: Enhancements in storage efficiency and performance.

Integration with Smart Grids: Using smart grid technology to optimize storage and distribution.

Environmental Sustainability: Developing eco-friendly storage solutions.

Policy and Regulation: Government policies supporting renewable energy storage.


Hydropower storage is essential for ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply. Various methods, including pumped storage, battery integration, reservoir storage, and emerging technologies, offer diverse solutions to store and manage hydropower. Each method has its advantages and challenges, and the choice of storage technology depends on specific needs, environmental considerations, and economic factors. As technology advances and renewable energy integration becomes more critical, hydropower storage will continue to play a vital role in the global energy landscape.


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