
How is Natural Gas Turned into Liquid?

by Krystal

Natural gas is a crucial energy resource used worldwide. To make it more transportable and economical, it is often converted into its liquid form. This process, known as liquefaction, involves a series of complex steps that ensure the natural gas can be efficiently transported over long distances. This article provides a detailed look at how natural gas is transformed into a liquid, focusing on the processes and technologies involved.

Understanding Natural Gas and Its Properties

Natural gas is primarily composed of methane (CH₄), but it also contains small amounts of other hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, and butane. It is a clean-burning fossil fuel that is used for heating, electricity generation, and as an industrial feedstock.


The physical state of natural gas changes with temperature and pressure. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, natural gas is in a gaseous state. To transport and store it efficiently, it is necessary to convert it into a liquid, which is denser and requires less volume.


The Need for Liquefaction

Liquefaction makes natural gas easier to transport and store. When cooled to very low temperatures, natural gas condenses into a liquid form called Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG occupies about 1/600th of the volume of natural gas in its gaseous state, making it much more efficient to transport in bulk.


This conversion is particularly important for regions that do not have pipeline infrastructure or for transporting natural gas from remote production sites to global markets. The LNG can be shipped in specially designed tankers and then regasified at the destination for use.


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Steps in the Liquefaction Process

The liquefaction of natural gas involves several key steps:

1. Gas Pretreatment

Before liquefaction, natural gas undergoes pretreatment to remove impurities. This step is crucial to prevent damage to the liquefaction equipment and ensure the quality of the final product. The pretreatment process typically includes:

Removal of Sulfur Compounds: Sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) and mercaptans, are removed using chemical processes or adsorption.

Removal of Carbon Dioxide (CO₂): CO₂ is separated from the natural gas using various methods, such as absorption or adsorption.

Removal of Water: Water vapor is removed to prevent the formation of hydrates during the cooling process. This is done using dehydration processes, like glycol dehydration or molecular sieve dehydration.

2. Compression

Once the natural gas is cleaned, it is compressed to increase its pressure. Compression is necessary to make the subsequent cooling process more efficient. The gas is typically compressed to pressures ranging from 30 to 60 atmospheres (atm) using large, high-pressure compressors.

3. Cooling and Liquefaction

The core of the liquefaction process involves cooling the compressed natural gas to cryogenic temperatures. Natural gas becomes a liquid at around -160°C (-260°F). The cooling process generally includes the following stages:

Initial Cooling: The compressed gas is first cooled using a series of heat exchangers. This step uses a refrigerant to lower the temperature of the gas gradually.

Expansion: After initial cooling, the gas is expanded through an expansion valve or turbine. This rapid expansion causes a drop in temperature, which helps in further cooling the gas.

Final Cooling: The gas is then cooled to its liquefaction temperature using additional refrigeration systems. This often involves a multi-stage process using different refrigerants or a cascade refrigeration system.

4. Storage and Transport

Once liquefied, LNG is stored in specially designed tanks that maintain the low temperature necessary to keep the gas in its liquid state. These tanks are insulated to minimize heat transfer and evaporation. LNG tankers are used to transport the liquid to its destination, where it is either stored or regasified for use.

Technologies Used in Liquefaction

Several technologies are employed in the liquefaction process, including:

1. Mixed Refrigerant Process

The mixed refrigerant process uses a blend of refrigerants to achieve the necessary cooling. This process involves cooling the natural gas with a mixture of gases, each with different boiling points, to efficiently reduce the temperature to liquefaction levels.

2. Cascade Refrigeration

Cascade refrigeration involves multiple refrigeration cycles using different refrigerants. Each stage cools the gas to progressively lower temperatures until it reaches its liquefaction point. This method is known for its efficiency and effectiveness in cooling natural gas.

3. Expander Liquefaction

Expander liquefaction involves the use of expansion turbines to cool the gas. The gas is expanded through turbines, which lowers its temperature and helps in the liquefaction process. This technology is often used in combination with other cooling methods.

Environmental Considerations

The liquefaction process is energy-intensive and has environmental implications. The large amount of energy required for cooling and compression contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. However, advancements in technology and the use of renewable energy sources for power generation can help mitigate these impacts.

Additionally, the handling and storage of LNG require strict safety measures to prevent leaks and accidents. Proper maintenance and monitoring of equipment are essential to ensure the safe operation of liquefaction facilities.


The process of turning natural gas into a liquid involves a series of carefully controlled steps, from pretreatment to cooling and storage. Each stage is designed to ensure the efficient and safe conversion of natural gas into Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). As the demand for natural gas continues to grow, advancements in liquefaction technology and environmental practices will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the energy industry.

Understanding this process is essential for appreciating the complexities of natural gas transportation and the technological innovations driving the industry forward.


At What Temperature Does Natural Gas Become a Liquid?

Natural gas becomes a liquid at extremely low temperatures. Specifically, natural gas liquefies at approximately -160°C (-260°F) under standard atmospheric pressure. This process of turning natural gas into a liquid is known as liquefaction. At this temperature, methane, the primary component of natural gas, condenses into a liquid form known as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG is approximately 1/600th the volume of natural gas in its gaseous state, making it much more efficient to transport and store.

Is LNG Better Than Coal?

The comparison between Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and coal involves several factors, including environmental impact, energy efficiency, and economic considerations. Here’s a detailed look at these aspects:

Environmental Impact

Emissions: LNG burns more cleanly than coal, emitting fewer pollutants. When combusted, LNG produces less carbon dioxide (CO₂) and fewer sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) compared to coal. This results in lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduced air pollution.

Particulate Matter: LNG combustion produces minimal particulate matter compared to coal, which can have significant health and environmental impacts.

Carbon Footprint: LNG has a lower carbon footprint than coal due to its lower CO₂ emissions per unit of energy produced. This makes LNG a preferable option for reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Content: LNG has a high energy content, making it an efficient source of energy. However, the energy required for liquefaction and transportation should be considered.

Conversion Efficiency: Power plants that use LNG can achieve higher efficiency rates compared to those using coal due to modern combined-cycle gas turbine technologies.

Economic Considerations

Cost: The cost of LNG can fluctuate based on global supply and demand, geopolitical factors, and transportation costs. Generally, LNG can be more expensive than coal, but this varies by region and market conditions.

Infrastructure: Investing in LNG infrastructure, such as liquefaction facilities and specialized tankers, involves significant capital costs. Conversely, coal infrastructure is more established in many regions.

How Are Natural Gas Liquids Extracted?

Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) are hydrocarbons found in natural gas that are extracted and separated during the processing of natural gas. NGLs include ethane, propane, butane, and pentanes, which are valuable for various industrial and commercial uses. The extraction of NGLs involves several steps:

1. Gas Processing

Dehydration: Before extracting NGLs, natural gas is dehydrated to remove water vapor, which can cause hydrate formation and corrosion in pipelines.

Acid Gas Removal: Natural gas is treated to remove sulfur compounds (such as hydrogen sulfide) and carbon dioxide using processes like amine treatment or molecular sieve adsorption.

2. Separation of NGLs

Refrigeration: The dehydrated and treated natural gas is cooled to temperatures where NGLs condense into a liquid. This cooling is achieved using refrigeration systems that lower the temperature of the gas stream.

Fractionation: The cooled natural gas undergoes fractionation in a distillation column or similar equipment. Fractionation separates the different NGLs based on their boiling points. Each component is collected separately:

Ethane: Boils at around -88°C (-126°F).

Propane: Boils at around -42°C (-44°F).

Butane: Boils at around -1°C (30°F).

Pentanes and heavier components: Boil at higher temperatures.

3. Storage and Transportation

Storage: The separated NGLs are stored in pressurized tanks or refrigerated tanks to maintain their liquid state. Each type of NGL may have specific storage requirements based on its physical properties.

Transportation: NGLs are transported via pipelines, rail, or tanker trucks to refineries or end-users. The choice of transportation method depends on the distance, volume, and type of NGL.

4. Utilization

Ethane: Used as a feedstock for petrochemical production, primarily to produce ethylene.

Propane: Commonly used as a fuel for heating, cooking, and as an industrial feedstock.

Butane: Used in gasoline blending and as a feedstock in petrochemical production.

Pentanes: Utilized in the production of gasoline and as a solvent in various applications.


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