
Liquid Fuel Supply to Power Plants Increases by 6 Billion Liters

by Krystal

According to Mehr News Agency, Keramat Veis-Karami of NIOPDC reported on Thursday that since the beginning of the year, 11.97 billion liters of gasoil and 8.83 billion liters of fuel oil have been delivered to power plants nationwide.

Veis-Karami also predicted a 33% increase in liquid fuel consumption by power plants in 2024. He explained that due to the early arrival of cold weather and harsh winter conditions, power plants have used 2.2 billion liters more gasoil and 2.9 billion liters more fuel oil compared to the previous year.


In preparation for the Nowruz holiday, Veis-Karami instructed company managers to improve fuel distribution. He stressed the importance of better coordination between operational and administrative teams, as well as enhancing equipment at CNG stations and the smart fuel card system.


Despite facing operational challenges, Veis-Karami highlighted that more than 50 million liters of gasoil have been supplied daily to power plants from late November to mid-March. He called this achievement unprecedented, crediting it to effective coordination in production, supply, transportation, and storage.


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