
Industrialists in Karachi Explore Energy-Efficient Biogas Plants Amid Depleting Natural Gas

by Krystal

KARACHI: President of the Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI), Faraz-ur-Rehman, revealed on Sunday that, in light of the diminishing natural gas resources and rising energy costs, industrialists are contemplating the establishment of experimental ‘energy-efficient’ biogas plants in Pakistan.

Speaking during the ‘5th International Consumer Products Exhibition’ at the Karachi Expo Centre, President Rehman informed Business Recorder that the industrial community is actively considering the importation of energy-efficient machinery to set up biogas plants capable of producing free electricity and generating biogas simultaneously.


He emphasized the critical role of energy-efficient machinery and biogas plants in enhancing industrial efficiency and promoting exports. President Rehman stated, “We are sending a proposal to the government regarding the energy-efficient biogas plant in the coming days.” Once operational, these plants have the potential to reduce energy costs, enabling local industries to compete effectively in the international market.


President Rehman highlighted the importance of cost efficiency for any economy, citing China as a prime example of development achieved through strategic cost-cutting measures. He expressed optimism that, if successful, the project could potentially shift the entire industrial landscape of the country towards biogas utilization.


Blessed with vast land resources, President Rehman suggested that Pakistan could import biogas plants to utilize thousands of acres for cultivation and agricultural production. Acknowledging the depletion of natural gas reserves over the past two decades, he criticized the government for not exploring alternative options.


When questioned about the investment modalities for establishing biogas plants, President Rehman stated that the business community would work on developing a plan. He voiced concerns about the government’s lack of seriousness regarding industrialization over the last seven decades, including neglect of the cottage industry.

President Rehman expressed deep apprehensions about the government’s indifference to the challenges faced by the industrial sector, particularly the recent surge in gas prices. He also condemned dollar hoarding and smuggling, urging the business community to convert their dollars into Pakistani rupees to strengthen the national currency. Amidst gas shortages, LCs issues, foreign reserve concerns, and raw material unavailability, President Rehman emphasized the industry’s struggle for survival.


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