
What state has the lowest gas prices?

by Krystal

Gas prices can vary greatly from state to state in the United States. The cost of gasoline is affected by several factors, including supply and demand, taxes, and transportation costs. In this article, we will explore which state has the lowest gas prices, and the factors that contribute to gas prices in different states.

Which State Has the Lowest Gas Prices?

As of 2021, the state with the lowest gas prices in the United States is Mississippi. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline in Mississippi is $2.65. This is significantly lower than the national average price of $3.10 per gallon.


Other states with relatively low gas prices include Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. These states all have average gas prices that are below the national average.


Factors that Affect Gas Prices

Several factors can affect gas prices in different states. Here are some of the most significant factors:


Supply and demand: The most significant factor that affects gas prices is supply and demand. If there is a high demand for gasoline but a limited supply, prices will go up. Conversely, if there is a surplus of gasoline but low demand, prices will go down.


Taxes: Taxes are another significant factor that affects gas prices. Each state sets its own gasoline tax rate, which can vary from a few cents to over 50 cents per gallon. States with higher gas taxes tend to have higher gas prices.

Transportation costs: The cost of transporting gasoline from refineries to gas stations can also affect gas prices. States that are located closer to refineries or major pipelines may have lower transportation costs, which can result in lower gas prices.

Refining capacity: The amount of refining capacity in a state can also affect gas prices. States with more refineries or greater refining capacity may be able to produce more gasoline, which can result in lower prices.

Regional factors: Regional factors can also affect gas prices. For example, states that experience severe weather conditions such as hurricanes or snowstorms may experience temporary spikes in gas prices due to supply disruptions.

Why Does Mississippi Have the Lowest Gas Prices?

There are several reasons why Mississippi has the lowest gas prices in the United States. Here are some of the most significant factors:

Low taxes: Mississippi has one of the lowest gasoline tax rates in the country, at just 18.4 cents per gallon. This is significantly lower than the national average of 36.6 cents per gallon.

Refining capacity: Mississippi is home to several refineries, which helps to keep gas prices low. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Mississippi has a refining capacity of over 600,000 barrels per day.

Transportation costs: Mississippi is located near several major pipelines and refineries, which helps to keep transportation costs low. This can result in lower gas prices for consumers.

Low demand: Mississippi has a relatively low population density, which means that there is less demand for gasoline. This can result in lower gas prices, as there is less competition for the available supply.

Competition: Mississippi has a competitive gasoline market, with many independent gas stations competing for customers. This can help to keep prices low, as gas stations compete to offer the lowest prices.

Other States with Low Gas Prices

While Mississippi has the lowest gas prices in the United States, there are several other states with relatively low gas prices. Here are some of the other states with low gas prices:

Louisiana: Louisiana has an average gas price of $2.68 per gallon, which is slightly higher than Mississippi but still below the national average.

Texas: Texas has an average gas price of $2.73 per gallon, which is also below the national average.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma has an average gas price of $2.76 per gallon, which is slightly higher than Texas but still below the national average.

Missouri: Missouri has an average gas price of $2.77 per gallon, which is slightly higher than Oklahoma but still below the national average.

Factors that Contribute to Low Gas Prices in Other States

Like Mississippi, these states have several factors that contribute to their relatively low gas prices. Here are some of the most significant factors:

Low taxes: Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri all have relatively low gasoline tax rates, which helps to keep gas prices low.

Refining capacity: All of these states have significant refining capacity, which helps to keep gas prices low. For example, Texas is home to the largest refining capacity in the United States.

Transportation costs: These states are all located near major pipelines and refineries, which helps to keep transportation costs low.

Low demand: These states all have relatively low population densities, which means that there is less demand for gasoline. This can result in lower gas prices, as there is less competition for the available supply.


Gas prices can vary greatly from state to state in the United States. Mississippi currently has the lowest gas prices in the country, due to factors such as low taxes, refining capacity, and transportation costs. Other states with relatively low gas prices include Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. By understanding the factors that affect gas prices, we can make informed decisions about where to purchase gasoline and how to budget for fuel expenses.


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