
Why is solar energy better than energy from coal?

by Krystal

Solar energy and coal are two of the most widely used sources of energy in the world. While coal has been the dominant source of energy for many years, solar energy is becoming increasingly popular due to its many advantages. In this article, we will explore the reasons why solar energy is better than energy from coal.

Renewable vs. Non-Renewable

One of the most significant differences between solar energy and coal is that solar energy is a renewable source of energy, while coal is a non-renewable source of energy. This means that solar energy can be replenished naturally, while coal is a finite resource that will eventually run out.


The fact that Solar energy is renewable makes it a more sustainable source of energy than coal. As concerns about climate change and environmental degradation continue to grow, there is increasing pressure to shift away from non-renewable sources of energy like coal and towards renewable sources like solar energy.


Environmental Impact

Another key difference between solar energy and coal is their impact on the environment. Coal is a fossil fuel that has been linked to a range of environmental problems, including air pollution, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.


In contrast, solar energy has a much lower environmental impact. Solar panels do not produce any emissions or pollutants, and they do not require water for cooling like coal-fired power plants do. This means that solar energy is a much cleaner source of energy than coal.


The environmental impact of coal is significant. The burning of coal releases large amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants contribute to air pollution, acid rain, and climate change.

In contrast, solar energy does not produce any emissions or pollutants. The only environmental impact of solar energy is the manufacturing and disposal of solar panels, which can be minimized through proper recycling and disposal practices.


The cost of energy is another important factor to consider when comparing solar energy and coal. While coal has traditionally been a cheaper source of energy than solar, this is changing as the cost of solar energy continues to decline.

In recent years, the cost of solar energy has dropped significantly, making it more affordable than ever before. In some regions, solar energy is now cheaper than coal, particularly when you factor in the environmental and health costs associated with coal.

The cost of coal includes not only the cost of mining and transporting the coal, but also the cost of the environmental and health impacts of burning coal. These costs can be significant, and they are often borne by society as a whole rather than by the companies that produce and use coal.

In contrast, the cost of solar energy is primarily the cost of the equipment and installation. Once the solar panels are installed, there are no ongoing fuel costs, and the maintenance costs are relatively low.

Energy Security

Energy security is another important factor to consider when comparing solar energy and coal. Because coal is a finite resource, it is subject to price fluctuations and supply disruptions. This can create uncertainty and instability in energy markets.

In contrast, solar energy is a more secure source of energy. Because solar energy is renewable, it is not subject to the same supply and price fluctuations as non-renewable sources of energy like coal.

In addition, solar energy can be generated locally, which can increase energy security by reducing dependence on imported energy sources. This can be particularly important for countries that are heavily dependent on imported energy.


Scalability is another advantage of solar energy over coal. Solar energy systems can be scaled up or down depending on the needs of the user. This makes solar energy a more flexible and adaptable source of energy than coal.

In addition, solar energy can be deployed in remote areas where it may be difficult or expensive to connect to the grid. This makes solar energy a more accessible source of energy for communities that may not have access to traditional sources of energy like coal.

Job Creation

Another advantage of solar energy over coal is that it can create more jobs. Solar energy is a labor-intensive industry, and the installation and maintenance of solar panels require a skilled workforce.

In contrast, coal mining and power generation are capital-intensive industries that require relatively few workers. As a result, a shift towards solar energy could create more jobs and stimulate economic growth.


Solar energy is a better source of energy than coal for a variety of reasons. Solar energy is renewable, has a lower environmental impact, is becoming increasingly cost-competitive with coal, provides greater energy security and scalability, and can create more jobs. As concerns about climate change and environmental degradation continue to grow, there is increasing pressure to shift away from non-renewable sources of energy like coal and towards renewable sources like solar energy.

While the transition to solar energy will not happen overnight, the advantages of solar energy are clear. As technology continues to improve and the cost of solar energy continues to decline, it is likely that solar energy will become an increasingly important source of energy in the years to come.


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