
What is the difference between coal and anthracite coal?

by Krystal

Coal is a fossil fuel that has been used for centuries to produce energy. It is a combustible rock composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Coal is formed through the process of coalification, which takes millions of years to complete. During this process, plant material is buried and subjected to high pressure and temperature, which transforms it into coal. There are different types of coal, and in this article, we will be discussing the difference between coal and anthracite coal.

What is Coal?

Coal is a fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago. It is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that is composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Coal is formed through the process of coalification, which takes millions of years to complete. During this process, plant material is buried and subjected to high pressure and temperature, which transforms it into coal.


Coal is classified into four main types based on its carbon content, which ranges from low to high. These four types are lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. The carbon content of coal determines its energy content and its suitability for different applications.


Difference between Coal and Anthracite Coal:

Anthracite coal is a type of coal that has a high carbon content and a low volatile content. It is the highest rank of coal and is considered to be the cleanest burning coal. Anthracite coal is also known as hard coal or black coal.


The main difference between coal and anthracite coal is their carbon content. Coal has a lower carbon content compared to anthracite coal. Coal typically contains between 60% and 80% carbon, while anthracite coal contains between 86% and 98% carbon. This difference in carbon content makes anthracite coal a more efficient fuel compared to coal.


Another difference between coal and anthracite coal is their energy content. Anthracite coal has a higher energy content compared to coal. This is because anthracite coal has a higher carbon content, which means that it contains more energy per unit of weight.

Anthracite coal also has a lower volatile content compared to coal. Volatile matter is the part of coal that is released as gas when coal is heated. The lower volatile content of anthracite coal means that it produces less smoke and ash compared to coal.

Applications of Coal and Anthracite Coal:

Coal and anthracite coal are both used as fuels to produce energy. Coal is used to generate electricity, heat buildings, and power industrial processes. Coal is also used in the production of steel and cement.

Anthracite coal is used primarily for heating homes and buildings. It is also used in industrial processes that require a high heat output, such as smelting and glass manufacturing. Anthracite coal is often used in stoves and furnaces because of its high heat output and low ash content.

Environmental Impact:

The environmental impact of coal and anthracite coal is a major concern. Coal is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Burning coal also produces air pollution, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, which can have negative health effects.

Anthracite coal, on the other hand, is considered to be a cleaner burning fuel compared to coal. It produces less sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, which means that it has a lower impact on air quality. However, the mining and transportation of anthracite coal can still have negative environmental impacts, such as soil erosion, water pollution, and habitat destruction.


The cost of coal and anthracite coal can vary depending on a number of factors, such as location, availability, and demand. In general, anthracite coal is more expensive compared to coal. This is because anthracite coal is rarer and has a higher energy content compared to coal. However, the higher cost of anthracite coal can be offset by its higher efficiency and lower ash content.

Mining and Extraction:

The mining and extraction of coal and anthracite coal is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and techniques. Coal is typically mined using surface or underground mining methods. Surface mining involves the removal of overlying soil and rock to access the coal seam. Underground mining involves the excavation of tunnels to access the coal seam.

Anthracite coal, on the other hand, is typically mined using underground mining methods. This is because anthracite coal seams are usually deeper underground compared to other types of coal seams. Anthracite coal mining requires specialized equipment and techniques, such as longwall mining, which involves the use of a machine called a shearer to extract the coal.


In conclusion, coal and anthracite coal are both fossil fuels that are used to produce energy. The main difference between coal and anthracite coal is their carbon content, energy content, and volatile content. Anthracite coal is a more efficient fuel compared to coal, and it produces less smoke and ash. However, the mining and extraction of anthracite coal can have negative environmental impacts. Understanding the difference between coal and anthracite coal is important for choosing the right fuel for different applications.



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