
Does red diesel dye your tank?

by Krystal

Red diesel, also known as gas oil or heating oil, is a type of diesel fuel that is dyed red to indicate that it is intended for use in off-road vehicles and equipment. While red diesel is commonly used in the agricultural, construction, and marine industries, there is a common misconception that it can dye the fuel tank of the vehicle or equipment it is used in. In this article, we will explore the truth about red diesel and whether it can dye your tank.

What is Red Diesel?

Red diesel is a type of diesel fuel that is used in off-road vehicles and equipment, such as tractors, bulldozers, and boats. It is dyed red to indicate that it is not intended for use in on-road vehicles, such as cars and trucks, and is subject to lower taxes than regular diesel fuel. Red diesel is chemically similar to regular diesel fuel but contains a higher concentration of sulfur, which can have negative environmental impacts.


Red Diesel and Fuel Tank Dyeing: The Truth

The idea that red diesel can dye the fuel tank of a vehicle or equipment is a common misconception. The red dye used in red diesel is not designed to stain or dye the fuel tank but is instead added as a marker to indicate that the fuel is not intended for use in on-road vehicles. The dye is also used to help law enforcement agencies identify vehicles and equipment that are using red diesel illegally.


The red dye used in red diesel is a chemical compound known as Solvent Red 164. It is a synthetic dye that is added to the fuel during the refining process and is not soluble in diesel fuel. The dye is added at a concentration of 10-15 parts per million (ppm), which is enough to color the fuel red but not enough to dye the fuel tank.


While the red dye used in red diesel is not designed to dye the fuel tank, it can leave a red stain on the exterior of the tank if the fuel is spilled or leaks. This is because the dye is not soluble in diesel fuel and can separate from the fuel when it comes into contact with water or other liquids. The red stain can be difficult to remove and may require professional cleaning.


The red dye in red diesel is also designed to be stable and not break down over time. This means that even if the fuel is stored for long periods of time, the dye will not degrade or fade. This is important for law enforcement agencies, as it allows them to easily identify vehicles and equipment that are using red diesel illegally.

How to Prevent Fuel Tank Dyeing

While red diesel is not designed to dye the fuel tank of a vehicle or equipment, there are steps that can be taken to prevent fuel tank dyeing. These include:

Proper Handling: Red diesel should be handled with care to prevent spills and leaks. Proper storage and handling procedures should be followed to minimize the risk of spills and leaks.

Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance of vehicles and equipment can help prevent fuel leaks and spills. Fuel tanks should be inspected regularly for signs of damage or wear and tear.

Prompt Cleanup: Any spills or leaks should be cleaned up promptly to prevent the red dye from staining the fuel tank. Absorbent materials, such as sand or kitty litter, can be used to soak up the spilled fuel.

Professional Cleaning: If the fuel tank does become stained with red dye, it may require professional cleaning to remove the stain. A professional cleaning service can use specialized equipment and techniques to remove the stain without damaging the fuel tank.

In addition to these preventative measures, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with red diesel. The higher concentration of sulfur in red diesel can have negative environmental impacts, such as contributing to air pollution and acid rain. It is important to use red diesel responsibly and to follow all applicable regulations and guidelines.

Using Red Diesel Responsibly

When using red diesel, it is important to follow all applicable regulations and guidelines. In the United States, the use of red diesel is regulated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The IRS imposes lower taxes on red diesel than on regular diesel fuel, but only if the fuel is used in off-road vehicles and equipment. The EPA regulates the use of red diesel to ensure that it meets environmental standards and does not contribute to air pollution or other environmental problems.

In the United Kingdom, the use of red diesel is also regulated by the government. The use of red diesel is allowed in off-road vehicles and equipment, but is subject to lower taxes than regular diesel fuel. The government also imposes penalties for the illegal use of red diesel in on-road vehicles.

In addition to following all applicable regulations and guidelines, it is important to use red diesel responsibly. This means minimizing the amount of fuel used, properly maintaining vehicles and equipment, and disposing of used fuel and other hazardous materials properly. By using red diesel responsibly, we can help protect the environment and ensure that it remains a viable fuel source for years to come.


Red diesel is a type of diesel fuel that is commonly used in off-road vehicles and equipment. While there is a common misconception that red diesel can dye the fuel tank of a vehicle or equipment, this is not true. The red dye used in red diesel is not designed to stain or dye the fuel tank but is instead added as a marker to indicate that the fuel is not intended for use in on-road vehicles. However, spills or leaks of red diesel can leave a red stain on the exterior of the fuel tank, which can be difficult to remove. Proper handling, regular maintenance, prompt cleanup, and professional cleaning can help prevent fuel tank dyeing and keep vehicles and equipment running smoothly. By using red diesel responsibly and following all applicable regulations and guidelines, we can help protect the environment and ensure that red diesel remains a viable fuel source for years to come.



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