
Can you burn anthracite coal and wood together?

by Krystal

If you’re looking for an alternative way to heat your home, you may be considering burning anthracite coal and wood together. Anthracite coal is a premium type of coal known for its high carbon content and low impurities, while wood is a renewable resource that has been used for heating and cooking for thousands of years. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of burning anthracite coal and wood together, as well as some tips for doing so safely.

Anthracite Coal and Wood: A Comparison

Before we dive into the specifics of burning anthracite coal and wood together, let’s take a closer look at each fuel and how they compare.


Anthracite coal is a type of coal that is known for its high carbon content and low impurities. It is the most premium type of coal and is often used for heating homes and businesses. Anthracite coal burns hot and clean, producing little smoke or soot. It is also more energy-dense than wood, meaning it produces more heat per unit of fuel.


Wood, on the other hand, is a renewable resource that has been used for heating and cooking for thousands of years. It is a versatile fuel that can be burned in a variety of stoves and fireplaces. Wood burns hot and produces a pleasant aroma, but it can also produce a significant amount of smoke and soot. It is less energy-dense than anthracite coal, meaning it produces less heat per unit of fuel.


Benefits of Burning Anthracite Coal and Wood Together

There are several benefits to burning anthracite coal and wood together. First, the combination of the two fuels can provide a longer burn time than burning either fuel alone. Anthracite coal burns hot and slowly, while wood burns quickly and produces a lot of heat. By combining the two fuels, you can achieve a steady and consistent heat output over a longer period of time.


Another benefit of burning anthracite coal and wood together is that it can help reduce your overall heating costs. Anthracite coal is typically more expensive than wood, but it also burns more efficiently and produces more heat. By burning the two fuels together, you can take advantage of the benefits of both fuels and potentially save money on your heating bills.

Drawbacks of Burning Anthracite Coal and Wood Together

While there are benefits to burning anthracite coal and wood together, there are also some drawbacks to consider. One of the biggest concerns is the potential for creosote buildup in your chimney or flue. Creosote is a sticky substance that can build up in your chimney or flue when wood is burned. When combined with anthracite coal, which produces little soot or smoke, the creosote can accumulate more quickly and pose a fire hazard.

Another potential drawback of burning anthracite coal and wood together is the risk of overheating your stove or fireplace. Anthracite coal burns much hotter than wood and can quickly raise the temperature in your stove or fireplace. If you’re not careful, this can lead to overheating and potentially cause damage to your stove or fireplace.

Tips for Burning Anthracite Coal and Wood Together

If you decide to burn anthracite coal and wood together, there are several steps you can take to do so safely and effectively. First, make sure your stove or fireplace is designed to burn both fuels. Not all stoves or fireplaces are designed to burn both anthracite coal and wood, so it’s important to check with the manufacturer or a professional before attempting to do so.

Next, be sure to use the proper ratio of anthracite coal to wood. A good starting point is to use a 50/50 mix of the two fuels, but you may need to adjust the ratio based on your specific stove or fireplace and heating needs.

It’s also important to monitor your stove or fireplace closely when burning anthracite coal and wood together. Keep an eye on the temperature and make adjustments as needed to prevent overheating. Additionally, be sure to clean your chimney or flue regularly to prevent creosote buildup and reduce the risk of a chimney fire.


Burning anthracite coal and wood together can provide a longer burn time and potentially save you money on your heating bills. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider, including the risk of creosote buildup and overheating your stove or fireplace. If you decide to burn anthracite coal and wood together, be sure to do so safely and effectively by using the proper ratio of fuels, monitoring your stove or fireplace closely, and cleaning your chimney or flue regularly. With the right precautions, you can enjoy the benefits of both fuels and heat your home efficiently and effectively.


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