
What happens if diesel is mixed with kerosene?

by Krystal

Diesel and kerosene are two common fuels used in various industries, including transportation, heating, and lighting. While they may seem similar, there are some important differences between the two fuels. One common question that arises is what happens if diesel is mixed with kerosene? In this article, we will explore the effects of mixing diesel and kerosene, and what you should do if this happens.

What is Diesel?

Diesel is a type of fuel that is commonly used in diesel engines, such as those found in cars, trucks, and heavy machinery. It is a liquid fuel that is derived from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation. Diesel fuel is produced from the middle distillates fraction of crude oil, which includes other fuels such as kerosene and heating oil.


Diesel fuel has several important properties that make it well-suited for its intended uses. One of the most important properties of diesel fuel is its high energy density, which means it can produce a lot of power with relatively little fuel. This makes it an efficient fuel for use in diesel engines, which require a lot of power to operate.


Another important property of diesel fuel is its low volatility, which means it does not evaporate as easily as other fuels such as gasoline. This makes it a safer fuel to use and transport, as it is less likely to ignite and produce a flame.


What is Kerosene?

Kerosene is a type of fuel that is commonly used for heating and lighting. It is also used as a fuel for certain types of vehicles and equipment, such as jet engines and certain types of stoves and heaters. Kerosene is derived from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation, and it is produced from the middle distillates fraction of crude oil, which includes other fuels such as diesel and heating oil.


Kerosene has several important properties that make it well-suited for its intended uses. One of the most important properties of kerosene is its high energy density, which means it can produce a lot of heat with relatively little fuel. This makes it an efficient fuel for heating and lighting applications.

Another important property of kerosene is its low viscosity, which means it flows easily and can be easily pumped and transported. Kerosene also has a relatively high flash point, which means it is less likely to ignite and produce a flame than other fuels such as gasoline.

If Diesel is Mixed with Kerosene

If diesel is mixed with kerosene, it can have several negative effects on the fuel and the equipment that is using it. One of the most immediate effects of mixing diesel and kerosene is that it can cause the fuel to gel or solidify. This can clog fuel filters and fuel lines, and can cause the engine to stall or fail to start.

Another potential effect of mixing diesel and kerosene is that it can cause damage to the engine and other components. Kerosene has a lower lubricity than diesel fuel, which means it does not provide the same level of protection to the engine and other components. This can cause increased wear and tear on the engine, and can lead to premature failure of the engine and other components.

In addition, mixing diesel and kerosene can cause the fuel to become more volatile, which can increase the risk of fire or explosion. This is particularly true if the mixture is used in an enclosed space or in a poorly ventilated area.

What to Do If Diesel is Mixed with Kerosene

If diesel is mixed with kerosene, it is important to take action as soon as possible to prevent damage to the equipment and ensure safety. The first step is to stop using the fuel mixture immediately and drain the fuel tank and lines. This will help to prevent the mixture from causing further damage to the engine and other components.

Once the fuel tank and lines have been drained, it is important to clean them thoroughly to remove any remaining traces of the fuel mixture. This will help to prevent the mixture from causing damage to the equipment in the future.

If the fuel mixture has caused damage to the engine or other components, it may be necessary to have them repaired or replaced. This can be expensive, so it is important to take steps to prevent the mixture from causing damage in the first place.

Preventing Diesel and Kerosene Mixtures

The best way to prevent diesel and kerosene mixtures is to use the correct fuel for your equipment. Diesel fuel should be used in diesel engines, while kerosene should be used in heating and lighting applications and certain types of equipment.

It is also important to store diesel and kerosene separately and to label them clearly to prevent confusion. This will help to prevent accidental mixing of the fuels and the damage that can result.


In conclusion, mixing diesel and kerosene can have several negative effects on the fuel and the equipment that is using it. It can cause the fuel to gel or solidify, damage the engine and other components, and increase the risk of fire or explosion. If diesel is mixed with kerosene, it is important to take action immediately to prevent damage to the equipment and ensure safety. The best way to prevent mixtures is to use the correct fuel for your equipment and to store diesel and kerosene separately and label them clearly.


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