
Uncertainty Around Solar Costs Impacts Consumer Trust

by Krystal

The residential solar industry in the United States is experiencing robust growth, with millions of Americans adopting solar panels in their homes. The Solar Energy Industries Association reported a 12% year-over-year increase in residential installations, totaling 210,000 during the final quarter of 2023. Despite this upward trend, a lack of price transparency within the industry is casting a shadow on the decision-making process for potential customers.

Approximately 4% of single-family homes in the US now generate electricity from solar panels, a testament to the appeal of cost savings on utility bills. However, determining the actual savings can be challenging due to the industry’s limited transparency. The complex pricing structure, influenced by factors such as panel costs, batteries, inverters, charge controllers, and labor, varies across regions. Additionally, whether homeowners opt for third-party-owned systems or purchase solar setups outright introduces another layer of complexity.


The absence of upfront pricing information from solar companies leaves customers frustrated, prompting concerns about transparency within the industry. Akshaya Jha, an associate professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University, emphasizes the difficulty in providing accurate quotes due to numerous variables. State and local incentives, property specifics, and labor costs contribute to the variability in installation prices.


While solar panel costs themselves remain relatively stable on a national level, the lack of transparency in installation prices hinders customer decision-making. Jha suggests that greater transparency could benefit consumers by fostering market growth. Studies indicate that increased transparency and competition lead to lower prices for solar installations.


To navigate potential overpayment or misinformation, Jha advises consumers to perform individual calculations based on their energy bills and obtain multiple quotes from different solar companies. Taking the time to compare prices can empower customers to make informed decisions and ensure the long-term economic viability of their solar investments.


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