
Does red diesel gel: Everything You Need To Know

by Krystal

What is Red Diesel?

Red diesel is a special type of diesel fuel that contains a substance called dye or additive, which can give diesel a red color. Red diesel is mainly used in heating, cooking, and power generation. In some countries and regions, the taxes on red diesel are lower than those on regular diesel, so the price of red diesel is relatively lower in these places.

Does Red Diesel Gel?

Red diesel itself does not gel, but diesel as a fuel may undergo a phenomenon known as gelling under specific temperature conditions. Certain components in diesel, such as waxes, can crystallize at low temperatures, affecting the flowability of diesel. This phenomenon is called “diesel waxing.”


Phenomenon of Diesel Waxing

The phenomenon of diesel waxing refers to the crystallization of wax components in diesel at low temperatures, forming solid substances that affect the flowability of diesel. The wax components in diesel mainly include straight-chain alkanes, which form solid wax crystals at low temperatures. These wax crystals may aggregate together to form larger particles, thereby affecting the flowability of diesel.


How to Prevent Diesel Waxing

To prevent diesel waxing, people usually add some additives to diesel, which can lower the diesel’s cloud point and improve its low-temperature flowability. Additionally, selecting suitable crude oil sources and refining processes can reduce the wax content in diesel, thus reducing the likelihood of diesel waxing.



In summary, red diesel itself does not gel, but under specific temperature conditions, the wax components in diesel may crystallize, affecting the flowability of diesel. To address this issue, people usually add additives to diesel or select appropriate crude oil sources and refining processes.


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