
Why can’t you run red diesel?

by Krystal

What is Red Diesel?

Red diesel typically refers to diesel fuel that has been dyed with a specific pigment to give it a red color. This practice is more common in Hong Kong, aiming to make the diesel’s color more conspicuous for easier differentiation and management. For instance, the Hong Kong government adds a red dye to 0-grade diesel to transform its pale yellow color into purple-red, commonly known as “red oil.” This “red oil” is exclusively intended for use by boats operating on the water, with no consumption tax imposed on waterborne residents purchasing it. However, it is strictly prohibited to use “red oil” for land vehicles.

Why Can’t Red Diesel be Used?

Using red diesel may lead to a series of issues, including but not limited to the following:


Quality Control Issues: Red diesel may not undergo production through legitimate channels, hence lacking assurance in terms of quality and safety. For instance, it may contain harmful substances or other additives that could pose risks to human health and the environment. Taxation Issues: In some regions, red diesel might be used as a means of tax evasion. For example, in Hong Kong, waterborne residents can use “red oil” without paying consumption tax. However, if this type of diesel is illegally transferred for use in land vehicles, it violates relevant regulations. Smuggling Activities: The presence of red diesel can sometimes be exploited for illegal smuggling activities. For instance, individuals might smuggle “red oil” from Hong Kong waters to the mainland, disrupting normal market competition and potentially causing chaos in diesel prices. Engine Compatibility Issues: Different types of diesel may not be suitable for all types of engines. For example, if red diesel contains components unsuitable for certain engine combustion, it could lead to engine damage or performance degradation.



In conclusion, although red diesel may have its uses in certain specific circumstances, it is not recommended for use as fuel for ordinary vehicles due to potential issues related to quality control, tax evasion, smuggling activities, and engine compatibility. If you need to refuel your vehicle, it is advisable to purchase diesel that complies with national standards from legitimate gas stations to ensure safety and environmental protection.


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