
Why is anthracite better than bituminous coal?

by Krystal

Difference Between Anthracite and Bituminous Coal

Anthracite and bituminous coal are both types of coal, but there are some crucial differences between them. These differences determine that anthracite is superior to bituminous coal in many aspects.

Definition and Formation Process

Anthracite is a type of coal with higher carbon content and lower volatile matter. It is typically formed in deeper rock layers, undergoing prolonged geological processes, which remove impurities and volatile components, resulting in almost no smoke during combustion.


Bituminous coal, on the other hand, contains more volatile matter, releasing more smoke and harmful substances when burned. This type of coal forms in relatively shallow processes, retaining some original plant structures, thus producing more smoke when burned.


Environmental Performance

The greatest advantage of anthracite lies in its environmental performance. Since it produces almost no smoke during combustion, its impact on air quality is minimal. This is particularly important for urban residents or those who need indoor heating, as it can reduce indoor and outdoor pollution, safeguarding people’s health.


Combustion Efficiency and Heating Value

Anthracite boasts higher combustion efficiency and heating value compared to bituminous coal. This means anthracite can release energy more efficiently during combustion, providing more stable heat. This is very useful for users who require prolonged heating or cooking, as it reduces the need for frequent refueling while enhancing energy utilization.


Economy and Practicality

Although the price of anthracite may be higher than bituminous coal, its higher combustion efficiency and heating value result in lower actual usage costs in the long run. Furthermore, the use of anthracite can reduce maintenance costs, such as significantly decreasing the frequency of chimney cleaning, further enhancing the economy of anthracite.


In summary, anthracite surpasses bituminous coal in environmental performance, combustion efficiency, heating value, and economy. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the pursuit of high-quality living, anthracite undoubtedly will become the trend in future coal consumption. However, it is essential to note that regardless of which type of coal is used, appropriate safety measures should be taken to ensure good ventilation during combustion to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.


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