
Maxeon Achieves New Efficiency Record with Maxeon 7 Residential Solar Panel

by Krystal

Maxeon, renowned for manufacturing highly efficient solar panels, has set a new industry benchmark with its Maxeon 7 residential solar panel, boasting an impressive efficiency of 24.9%. This groundbreaking achievement was officially confirmed by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, reaffirming Maxeon’s position as an industry leader in solar technology.

Matt Dawson, Maxeon’s chief technology officer, emphasized the significance of this milestone, stating in a March announcement that the Maxeon 7 panel’s unprecedented efficiency “sets the pace for the entire solar industry.” Presently, the most efficient residential solar panels on the market typically top out at around 23% efficiency.


While the Maxeon 7 panel is currently available for select partners in Europe, American solar consumers eagerly anticipating its arrival will have to exercise patience. Maxeon has announced that the panel will not be available in all regions, including the US, until the third quarter of 2024.


The significance of highly efficient solar panels lies in their ability to maximize electricity generation within limited space, making them an ideal choice for individuals unable to accommodate a larger quantity of less efficient panels. However, it’s important to note that the cost-effectiveness of highly efficient panels may vary, as it could be more economical to install a greater number of lower efficiency panels to achieve the same electricity output.


With a multitude of solar panel options available from various installers, it’s crucial for consumers to conduct thorough research and engage with multiple solar installation companies to ensure they secure the best deal tailored to their specific needs.


Maxeon’s latest achievement in efficiency underscores the ongoing trend of technological advancement in the solar industry. According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, residential solar installations have witnessed a notable increase in efficiency over the years. In 2004, the majority of installations utilized panels with an efficiency rating below 16%, whereas in 2022, panels with an efficiency rating of 19% or higher were predominant.

In addition to its impressive efficiency, Maxeon 7 panels boast durability features, including the ability to withstand golf ball-sized hail, offering consumers peace of mind regarding the resilience of their solar investment.


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