
What type of coal is the cleanest?

by Krystal

Clean coal is a specially treated coal product, primarily made from high-quality anthracite with low sulfur, low ash, and high calorific value, processed by adding organic additives such as desulfurizers, binders, and combustion aids. The characteristics of this coal product include cleanliness, high efficiency in combustion, and ease of use.

Benefits of clean coal:

Efficient and economical: Clean coal has a high calorific value, reaching over 5800 kcal/kg, which means less quantity is required compared to regular coal to achieve the same heat output. Additionally, clean coal has greater strength, longer burning time, and more uniform heat release, reducing consumption per unit of time.


Smokeless and odorless: The sulfur content of clean coal is less than 0.4%, resulting in fewer harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide emitted during combustion, reducing harm to the environment and human health. Moreover, the structure of clean coal forms air channels during combustion, facilitating better contact between coal and oxygen, leading to more complete combustion and less carbon monoxide generation.


Clean and convenient transportation: Unlike loose coal, clean coal is bagged and transported by weight after production, preventing coal dust from scattering during storage and handling, making it more convenient and cleaner to use.


Improvement of air quality: Since clean coal combustion produces fewer pollutants, its use can significantly reduce atmospheric pollution, contributing to improved air quality.


Development of clean coal:

China has made progress in the clean and efficient utilization of coal. For example, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have issued the “Benchmark Levels and Baseline Levels for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal (2022 Edition)” to promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal and facilitate the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption. In addition, China is also exploring coal-to-oil and coal-to-gas technologies. Although these technologies face challenges in reducing pollutant emissions, research and improvement are ongoing.


As an improved coal product, clean coal offers the advantages of more efficient combustion, reduced emissions of pollutants, and greater convenience in use and transportation. With advances in technology and increasing environmental awareness, clean coal is expected to play a greater role in the future and become a more sustainable energy choice.


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