
What do the different colors at the gas pump mean?

by Krystal

A gas cylinder, also known as a gas bottle or pressure vessel, is a device used for storing and transporting compressed gases. In the industrial sector, the color of gas cylinders is typically used to identify different types of gases to ensure safe and proper usage. Here are some common types of gases and their corresponding gas cylinder colors:

Oxygen cylinder: Typically sky blue, with black lettering. Acetylene cylinder: Usually white, with red lettering and labeled “Acetylene”. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder: Generally silver-gray, with red lettering and labeled “Liquefied Petroleum Gas”. Propane cylinder: Typically brown, with white lettering and labeled “Liquefied Propane”. Hydrogen cylinder: Usually deep green, with red lettering and labeled “Hydrogen”. Argon cylinder: Typically gray, with green lettering and labeled “Argon”. Nitrogen cylinder: Usually black, with yellow lettering and labeled “Nitrogen”. Ammonia cylinder: Typically yellow, with black lettering and labeled “Liquid Ammonia”. Compressed air cylinder: Typically black.


These color standards help in quickly identifying the type of gas stored in the cylinder, enabling appropriate safety measures to be taken. For example, the white background and red lettering of an acetylene cylinder alert users that the cylinder contains flammable acetylene gas, requiring special attention to fire prevention. On the other hand, the black background and yellow lettering of a nitrogen cylinder indicate that the cylinder contains inert nitrogen gas, suitable for environments where oxygen and other flammable gases need to be excluded.


It is important to note that standards may vary between different countries and regions, so local regulations and standards should be followed in practical applications. In China, the color standards for gas cylinders are typically implemented according to the “Gas Cylinder Colors” (GB 7144-1999) regulations. When using gas cylinders, it is also essential to ensure compliance with relevant safety procedures, including but not limited to checking the integrity of the cylinder, inspection dates, and the presence of appropriate labels and warning signs.


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