
Global Wind Power Capacity Hits New High in 2023

by Krystal

The year 2023 concluded with a remarkable achievement in the renewable energy sector as the world witnessed a record-breaking surge in new wind turbine installations. According to preliminary statistics released today by the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), a total of 116,065 megawatts (MW) of new capacity was added globally within the span of a single year, marking the highest increase ever recorded. This significant milestone propelled global wind power capacity past the one million MW mark, reaching an impressive 1,047,288 MW, closely aligning with WWEA’s forecast published in autumn 2023.

The volume of new capacity added represents a staggering 34% increase compared to 2022, when the world only added 86 gigawatts (GW). This robust growth resulted in a global growth rate of 12.5%, significantly surpassing the 10.2% growth rate observed in 2022.


Brazil and China Lead Growth Among Top Ten Countries


Among the top ten countries driving wind power expansion, Brazil and China emerged as frontrunners with growth rates of 20.8% and 19.0%, respectively. Meanwhile, countries like the Netherlands, Finland, Vietnam, and Chile recorded growth rates well above the global average, solidifying their positions as dynamic markets. Conversely, previous leaders such as the United States, Germany, India, Spain, and the United Kingdom experienced slower growth rates, remaining below the 10% mark.


Global Wind Power Capacity Surpasses One Million MW


With the world boasting an installed capacity of 1,047,288 MW, a new milestone has been achieved. This accomplishment comes 25 years after the installation of the initial 10,000 MW and 15 years after reaching the 100,000 MW milestone.

Future Growth Outlook and Repowering Potential

Anticipated growth in the coming years is fueled by newly implemented policies worldwide in response to escalating climate and fossil fuel crises. Many countries have ramped up efforts to establish large-scale wind farms, both onshore and offshore, supported by concrete policy measures. As a result, the short-term growth potential remains high, with projections suggesting a tripling of wind power capacity by the end of the decade and a tenfold increase by the middle of the century. Repowering, which involves replacing older, smaller turbines with newer, larger, and more efficient models, holds significant potential for further increasing wind power generation.

Role of Wind Power in Electricity Generation

Wind power now accounts for approximately 10% of global electricity demand, marking another significant milestone. Denmark leads the way with an astonishing 56% of its electricity generated from wind, followed by countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay, which generate around a third or more of their electricity from wind.

Barriers to Faster Deployment and Regional Perspectives

Despite these achievements, challenges persist, including fossil fuel subsidies, lengthy approval and planning procedures, and the need for community engagement. Various regions around the world, including Asia, Europe, the United States, South America, Oceania, and Africa, each present unique opportunities and challenges in the realm of wind power development.

In conclusion, the remarkable progress made in 2023 underscores the pivotal role of wind power in the global transition towards sustainable and renewable energy sources.


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