
How much does fuel cost in Singapore?

by Krystal

Fuel is an essential commodity in Singapore, as it is used to power vehicles, generators, and other machinery. The cost of fuel in Singapore is influenced by various factors, including global oil prices, government taxes, and transportation costs. In this article, we will explore the cost of fuel in Singapore and how it compares to other countries.

Overview of Fuel Prices in Singapore:

The cost of fuel in Singapore is regulated by the government through a system of taxes and subsidies. The government aims to keep fuel prices stable and affordable for consumers while also promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. As of 2021, the average price of petrol in Singapore is around SGD 2.20 per liter, while diesel is around SGD 1.80 per liter.


Factors that Affect Fuel Prices in Singapore:

The cost of fuel in Singapore is influenced by several factors, including global oil prices, government taxes, and transportation costs. Global oil prices are a major factor in determining the cost of fuel in Singapore, as the country imports most of its oil from other countries. When global oil prices rise, the cost of fuel in Singapore also increases. Conversely, when global oil prices fall, the cost of fuel in Singapore also decreases.


Government taxes also play a significant role in determining the cost of fuel in Singapore. The government imposes a range of taxes on fuel, including excise duty, customs duty, and goods and services tax (GST). These taxes are designed to generate revenue for the government and to discourage excessive use of fossil fuels. The government also provides subsidies for certain types of fuel, such as biodiesel, to promote the use of cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.


Transportation costs also affect the cost of fuel in Singapore. The cost of transporting fuel from the port to the fuel stations is included in the final price of fuel. The distance between the port and the fuel stations, as well as the efficiency of the transportation system, can affect the final price of fuel.


Comparison with Other Countries:

The cost of fuel in Singapore is relatively high compared to other countries in the region. This is due to the high taxes imposed by the government on fuel. For example, in neighboring Malaysia, the cost of petrol is around SGD 1.50 per liter, while diesel is around SGD 1.30 per liter. In Indonesia, the cost of petrol is around SGD 0.70 per liter, while diesel is around SGD 0.60 per liter.

However, the cost of fuel in Singapore is lower compared to some developed countries in Europe and North America. For example, in the United Kingdom, the cost of petrol is around SGD 3.00 per liter, while diesel is around SGD 3.20 per liter. In the United States, the cost of petrol is around SGD 2.00 per liter, while diesel is around SGD 1.90 per liter.

Impact of Fuel Prices on Consumers and Businesses:

The cost of fuel in Singapore has a significant impact on consumers and businesses. Higher fuel prices can increase the cost of living for consumers, as they have to spend more money on transportation and goods that rely on fuel for production and distribution. Higher fuel prices can also affect businesses, as they have to spend more money on transportation and fuel for their operations. This can result in higher prices for goods and services, which can reduce consumer demand and affect the overall economy.

However, higher fuel prices can also have positive effects. They can encourage consumers and businesses to adopt more energy-efficient practices and technologies, which can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their overall costs. Higher fuel prices can also encourage the development of alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind power, which can reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.


The cost of fuel in Singapore is influenced by various factors, including global oil prices, government taxes, and transportation costs. The government regulates fuel prices through a system of taxes and subsidies to promote stability and affordability for consumers while also promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. The cost of fuel in Singapore is relatively high compared to other countries in the region but lower compared to some developed countries in Europe and North America. The cost of fuel has a significant impact on consumers and businesses, affecting the cost of living, the economy, and the environment.




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