
Is Calor gas and Flogas the same?

by Krystal

Calor Gas and Flogas are two of the most well-known suppliers of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the United Kingdom. Both companies offer a range of LPG products and services, including cylinders, bulk tanks, and autogas. While there are similarities between the two companies, there are also some key differences in terms of their products, services, and pricing. In this article, we will provide an overview of Calor Gas and Flogas, and compare and contrast their offerings.

History and Background:

Calor Gas was founded in 1935 and is one of the oldest and most established LPG suppliers in the UK. The company has a large network of distributors and operates several depots across the country. Calor Gas offers a range of LPG products and services, including cylinders, bulk tanks, and autogas. The company is known for its high-quality products and reliable service.


Flogas, on the other hand, was founded in 1984 and is a relatively new player in the UK LPG market. The company has grown rapidly in recent years and now has a large customer base across the country. Flogas offers a range of LPG products and services, including cylinders, bulk tanks, and autogas. The company is known for its competitive pricing and flexible service.


Products and Services:

Both Calor Gas and Flogas offer a range of LPG products and services, including cylinders, bulk tanks, and autogas. However, there are some differences in terms of the specific products and services offered by each company.


Calor Gas offers a wide range of LPG products and services, including cylinders, bulk tanks, and autogas. The company also offers a range of appliances, such as heaters and cookers, that are designed to run on LPG. Calor Gas has a large network of distributors and operates several depots across the country, which ensures that its products are readily available and easily accessible.


Flogas also offers a range of LPG products and services, including cylinders, bulk tanks, and autogas. The company is known for its competitive pricing and flexible service, which allows customers to tailor their LPG supply to their specific needs. Flogas also offers a range of appliances, such as heaters and cookers, that are designed to run on LPG.

Pricing and Contracts:

One of the key differences between Calor Gas and Flogas is their pricing and contract options. Calor Gas is known for its fixed-price contracts, which offer customers a set price for their LPG supply over a specified period of time. This can be beneficial for customers who want to budget their LPG expenses and avoid fluctuations in pricing.

Flogas, on the other hand, offers a range of pricing options, including fixed-price contracts, variable pricing, and capped pricing. This allows customers to choose the pricing option that best suits their needs and budget. Flogas is also known for its flexible service, which allows customers to adjust their LPG supply as needed.

Customer Service and Support:

Both Calor Gas and Flogas are known for their high-quality customer service and support. Both companies have customer service teams that are available to answer questions and provide assistance to customers. In addition, both companies offer online account management tools that allow customers to manage their LPG supply and account information.

Calor Gas has a large network of distributors and operates several depots across the country, which ensures that its products are readily available and easily accessible. The company also offers a range of support services, such as appliance servicing and maintenance, to ensure that its customers are satisfied with their LPG supply.

Flogas is known for its flexible service and customer-focused approach. The company offers a range of support services, such as appliance installation and maintenance, to ensure that its customers are satisfied with their LPG supply. Flogas also has a dedicated customer service team that is available to answer questions and provide assistance to customers.


Calor Gas and Flogas are two of the most well-known suppliers of LPG in the UK. While there are similarities between the two companies, there are also some key differences in terms of their products, services, and pricing. Calor Gas is known for its high-quality products and reliable service, while Flogas is known for its competitive pricing and flexible service. Understanding the differences and similarities between Calor Gas and Flogas can help customers choose the LPG supplier that best suits their needs and budget.




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