
Proposed Housing Development Triggers Environmental Impact Assessment

by Krystal

A proposed housing development adjacent to Cumwhinton Road and Garlands Road has prompted the submission of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to the council. The application, lodged on April 19, is presented by Savills acting on behalf of Northern Trust Land Limited.

The proposed development site, currently utilized for agricultural purposes, falls under the Carlisle District Local Plan. Spanning an area bordered to the north and east by Carleton Cricket Club and Creighton Rugby Football Club sports pitches, the plan outlines the construction of approximately 180 dwellings.


Central to the proposal is the establishment of primary highway access via Cumwhinton Road, complemented by a secondary access point on Garland Road. Additionally, plans incorporate a pedestrian link to the recreational ground north of the site, alongside entry points facilitating active travel routes paralleling Cumwhinton Road.


Outlined within the application, the internal road layout centers on a primary thoroughfare with residential properties branching off. The topography of the site dictates a division into two distinct areas, east and west, connected by an embankment aimed at fostering greenspace and facilitating level development plateaus.


Key features of the proposed development include provisions for youth play spaces and extensive planting. Notably, the land lacks documented planning history, though recent neighboring developments, such as Gleeson Homes’ 2015 completion of a 189-dwelling project, offer contextual relevance.


Further to the south, an application by Gleeson Homes for approximately 171 homes remains pending determination, indicating ongoing residential development in the vicinity.


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