
Is it illegal to sell Calor gas bottles?

by Krystal

Calor gas bottles are a popular source of fuel for heating and cooking in the UK. However, there is some confusion over whether it is legal to sell Calor gas bottles. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to selling Calor gas bottles, including the legal requirements and regulations that apply to the sale of these bottles.

Legal Requirements for Selling Calor Gas Bottles

The sale of Calor gas bottles is subject to several legal requirements and regulations. These requirements are designed to ensure that the bottles are handled and sold safely and that they are not used for illegal purposes.



In order to sell Calor gas bottles, you must hold a valid license from Calor Gas. This license is known as a Calor Gas Dealer Agreement and is required by law. The license ensures that the dealer has the necessary training and equipment to handle and sell Calor gas bottles safely.



Calor gas bottles must be stored in a safe and secure location. They must be kept away from sources of heat, sparks, and flames, and they must not be stored in areas where they may be exposed to extreme temperatures. The storage area must also be well-ventilated and free from any sources of ignition.



Calor gas bottles must be transported in accordance with the relevant regulations. They must be transported in a secure and upright position, and they must not be transported in the same vehicle as passengers. The vehicle used for transportation must also be equipped with the necessary safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and spill kits.



Calor gas bottles must be clearly identified with the name of the dealer and the type of gas contained in the bottle. The identification must be clearly visible and legible, and it must not be obscured or removed.

Age Restrictions

Calor gas bottles can only be sold to individuals who are over the age of 18. This is to ensure that the bottles are not used for illegal purposes or by individuals who are not trained to handle them safely.

Penalties for Selling Calor Gas Bottles Illegally

Selling Calor gas bottles without a valid license or in violation of the legal requirements can result in significant penalties and fines. The penalties may vary depending on the severity of the violation and the jurisdiction in which the violation occurred.


Individuals or businesses found to be selling Calor gas bottles illegally may be subject to fines. The amount of the fine may vary depending on the severity of the violation and the jurisdiction in which the violation occurred.


In some cases, individuals found to be selling Calor gas bottles illegally may be subject to imprisonment. The length of the imprisonment may vary depending on the severity of the violation and the jurisdiction in which the violation occurred.

Revocation of License

Individuals or businesses found to be in violation of the legal requirements for selling Calor gas bottles may have their license revoked. This can result in the loss of the ability to sell Calor gas bottles and can have significant financial and reputational consequences.


In summary, it is legal to sell Calor gas bottles, but there are several legal requirements and regulations that must be followed. These requirements are designed to ensure that the bottles are handled and sold safely and that they are not used for illegal purposes. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in significant penalties and fines, including fines, imprisonment, and revocation of the license to sell Calor gas bottles. If you are considering selling Calor gas bottles, it is important to ensure that you are familiar with the legal requirements and regulations that apply to the sale of these bottles.


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