
Why biogas cannot be stored in cylinders?

by Krystal

Biogas is a renewable energy source that is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter. It is composed primarily of methane, carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Biogas has a variety of applications, including as a fuel for cooking, heating, and electricity generation. However, one challenge with biogas is that it cannot be stored in cylinders like other gases, such as propane or natural gas. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to why biogas cannot be stored in cylinders, including the properties of biogas, the challenges of storage, and alternative storage methods.

Properties of Biogas

Biogas is primarily composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), with small amounts of other gases such as hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), and oxygen (O2). The exact composition of biogas can vary depending on the feedstock used for anaerobic digestion and the conditions of the digestion process.


One important property of biogas is its low energy density. Biogas has a lower energy density than other gases, such as propane or natural gas, which makes it more difficult to store and transport. The low energy density of biogas is due to its high content of non-combustible gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.


Challenges of Biogas Storage

One of the main challenges of biogas storage is its low energy density. Biogas has a lower energy density than other gases, which means that more volume of biogas is required to store the same amount of energy. This can make biogas storage more challenging and expensive than storage of other gases.


Another challenge of biogas storage is its composition. Biogas contains a high percentage of methane, which is a flammable gas. This means that biogas must be stored in a way that prevents the buildup of methane concentrations that could lead to an explosion or fire. In addition, biogas contains impurities such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which can corrode metal storage tanks and pipelines.


Cylinder Storage

Cylinder storage is a common method of storing gases such as propane and natural gas. However, biogas cannot be stored in cylinders due to its low energy density and composition. The low energy density of biogas means that a large volume of cylinders would be required to store a significant amount of biogas. In addition, the high percentage of methane in biogas makes it a flammable gas, which means that it cannot be stored in cylinders without the risk of explosion or fire.

Alternative Storage Methods

There are several alternative methods of storing biogas that are more practical and cost-effective than cylinder storage. These include:

Gas Holders: Gas holders are large, inflatable structures that are used to store biogas. Gas holders are typically made of reinforced rubber or other flexible materials and are designed to expand and contract as the volume of biogas changes. Gas holders are a cost-effective and flexible method of biogas storage, as they can be easily scaled up or down depending on the volume of biogas produced.

Underground Storage: Underground storage is another method of storing biogas. Biogas can be stored in underground storage tanks or caverns, which provide a safe and secure storage environment. Underground storage is a cost-effective method of biogas storage, as it does not require the construction of above-ground structures.

Liquefaction: Biogas can be liquefied by cooling it to a temperature of -161°C, which converts it into a liquid form known as liquefied biogas (LBG). LBG has a much higher energy density than biogas and can be stored in tanks or transported by tanker truck or ship. Liquefaction is a more expensive method of biogas storage, but it allows for long-distance transport of biogas and makes it possible to use biogas as a transportation fuel.

Power-to-Gas: Power-to-gas is a process that converts excess renewable electricity into hydrogen gas, which can be combined with carbon dioxide to produce synthetic natural gas (SNG). SNG has a similar composition to natural gas and can be stored and transported using existing natural gas infrastructure. Power-to-gas is a promising method of biogas storage, as it allows for the integration of renewable electricity and biogas production.


In summary, biogas is a renewable energy source that is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter. Biogas cannot be stored in cylinders due to its low energy density and composition. Alternative methods of biogas storage include gas holders, underground storage, liquefaction, and power-to-gas. These methods provide safe and cost-effective ways to store and transport biogas, and are critical to the continued growth and development of biogas as a renewable energy source.


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