
Iraq Advances on First Large-Scale Solar Power Plant Project

by Krystal

Iraq is pushing forward with plans to build its inaugural large-scale photovoltaic solar power facility as part of its broader shift towards a more environmentally sustainable energy strategy, which integrates renewable sources while curbing gas flaring from oil activities.

The Iraqi government has secured an agreement with French energy conglomerate TotalEnergies for the development of a one-gigawatt photovoltaic solar power plant. This ambitious venture forms part of an extensive integrated project requiring a substantial $27 billion investment spread across a 30-year timeline.


Despite Iraq’s ongoing work on multiple solar initiatives, the TotalEnergies project marks the country’s first major leap into tangible implementation.


Under the terms of the contract signed between the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity and TotalEnergies last April, the project will be situated in the southern province of Basra. The solar power plant will be constructed at the Artawi site in Basra, with a phased approach over two years. Each stage will see 250 megawatts of electricity added to Iraq’s national grid.


The current surge in solar energy projects in Iraq can be largely attributed to a rare period of political stability, which has empowered Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Sudani’s administration to drive forward with a range of long-delayed energy initiatives.


Iraq’s persistent electricity supply issues have historically hampered economic progress and contributed to societal unrest. With the population expanding rapidly, the demand for power is outstripping supply, exacerbating the challenge.

Rahim Al-Jaafari, an adviser at Iraq’s National Investment Commission (NIC), disclosed in February the country’s ambitious goal to generate approximately 12,000 megawatts of solar energy by 2030. Al-Jaafari emphasized substantial strides made in solar energy generation, with around 7,500 megawatts already allocated to various companies as part of the government’s 12,000-megawatt plan.

Iraq’s commitment to upholding the Paris Agreement’s terms, including the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, underscores its determination to embrace sustainable energy practices for a greener future.


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