
How to make potassium humate from lignite?

by Krystal

Potassium humate is a powerful organic fertilizer that is widely used in agriculture and horticulture. It is made from humic acid, which is extracted from lignite, a type of coal. Lignite is a low-grade coal that is abundant in many parts of the world, making it an affordable and accessible source of humic acid. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to make potassium humate from lignite.

What is Lignite?

Lignite is a low-grade coal that is formed from the accumulation of plant material over millions of years. It is typically brown or black in color and has a high moisture content. Lignite is abundant in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and North America. It is used primarily as a fuel source for power generation, but it also has other industrial uses, such as in the production of chemicals and fertilizers.


What is Humic Acid?

Humic acid is a complex organic compound that is found in soil, peat, and coal. It is formed from the decomposition of plant and animal matter over long periods of time. Humic acid is a key component of soil organic matter and plays an important role in soil fertility and plant growth. It has been shown to improve soil structure, increase nutrient availability, and enhance plant growth and yield.


Extracting Humic Acid from Lignite

The first step in making potassium humate from lignite is to extract humic acid from the lignite. This is typically done using an alkaline extraction process, which involves treating the lignite with a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. The alkaline solution breaks down the lignite and releases the humic acid, which can then be separated from the other components of the solution.


The extracted humic acid is typically in the form of a dark brown liquid, which is known as “liquid humic acid” or “humic acid extract.” This liquid contains a mixture of humic acid, fulvic acid, and other organic compounds that are derived from the lignite.


Converting Humic Acid to Potassium Humate

The next step in making potassium humate from lignite is to convert the humic acid extract into potassium humate. This is typically done by reacting the humic acid extract with a potassium salt, such as potassium hydroxide or potassium carbonate. The reaction forms potassium humate, which is a water-soluble salt that is rich in humic acid.

The conversion process typically takes place in a reactor vessel, where the humic acid extract and potassium salt are mixed together and heated to a specific temperature and pressure. The reaction time and conditions can vary depending on the specific process and equipment used.

The resulting potassium humate is typically in the form of a dark brown powder or granules, which can be used directly as a fertilizer or further processed into liquid or soluble forms.

Benefits of Potassium Humate

Potassium humate is a powerful organic fertilizer that has many benefits for plant growth and soil health. Some of the key benefits of potassium humate include:

Improving soil structure: Potassium humate helps to improve soil structure by increasing soil aggregation and reducing soil compaction. This improves soil aeration and water infiltration, which can enhance plant growth and yield.

Enhancing nutrient availability: Potassium humate can chelate or bind with nutrients in the soil, making them more available to plants. This can improve plant growth and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers.

Stimulating plant growth: Potassium humate contains natural plant growth hormones, which can stimulate root growth and shoot development. This can result in faster and more vigorous plant growth.

Enhancing plant resistance: Potassium humate can enhance plant resistance to stress factors such as drought, heat, and disease. This can result in healthier and more resilient plants.


Making potassium humate from lignite is a complex process that involves extracting humic acid from the lignite and converting it to potassium humate. However, the resulting potassium humate is a powerful organic fertilizer that has many benefits for plant growth and soil health. By using lignite as a source of humic acid, farmers and gardeners can access an affordable and sustainable source of organic fertilizer that can help to improve soil fertility and enhance plant growth.




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