
UK Power Networks Introduces Advanced Curtailment Reports to Aid Renewable Energy Integration

by Krystal

Starting in May, UK Power Networks (UKPN) will provide its distribution system operator (DSO) customers with an Advanced Curtailment Report. This initiative aims to assist new renewable energy providers by delivering enhanced data and support regarding curtailment during the connections process.

The Advanced Curtailment Report is designed to aid in decision-making about the placement of new energy assets. It offers a detailed breakdown of curtailment for each network constraint that could affect a site, outlining the potential impact on network assets.


The development of this service included customer consultations, notably with DNO National Grid Electricity Distribution. UKPN believes the service will expedite the integration of renewable energy into the network while reducing costs. The report also provides information on other sites ahead of customers in the connection queue, detailing capacity, technology, application dates, and the ratings of site-specific constraints. Additionally, the DSO will offer precise, half-hourly data on when and by how much a site is expected to be curtailed.


Sotiris Georgiopoulos, Director of DSO at UK Power Networks, stated, “We are making the connections process clearer, simpler, and faster for customers, while providing the support they need to make informed decisions about where and when to take advantage of earlier energisation. Using real-time data, we enable customers to make informed decisions on the location and scale of new projects, supporting their journey towards a sustainable future.”


Ed Birkett, New Projects Director at Low Carbon, praised the service after testing an example report. “These new curtailment reports represent a significant improvement in the data UK Power Networks provides to its customers. The new data will allow customers to make more informed decisions on connection offers,” Birkett said.


Curtailment remains a challenge within the GB energy network, with many generators questioning why renewable energy is frequently curtailed. Increasing transparency on this issue could support better decision-making.

Efforts to mitigate curtailment costs are ongoing. In January, renewable energy infrastructure firm Field announced the acquisition of Scottish Holmston and Drum Farm battery energy storage sites from RES. These sites will provide a range of grid services, including balancing electricity supply and demand, in areas heavily affected by curtailment.

A report commissioned by Scottish Renewables highlighted that the substantial increase in renewable deployment over the last two decades, combined with what it termed “a decade of under-investment in the UK’s electricity transmission network,” has resulted in a system that “is no longer delivering good value.”


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