
Has British Gas changed to a new system?

by Krystal

British Gas is one of the largest energy suppliers in the UK, providing gas and electricity to millions of customers across the country. In recent years, the company has undergone a number of changes, including the introduction of a new billing system and the separation of its services division. In this article, we will explore the recent changes at British Gas and what they mean for customers.

Background on British Gas

British Gas was founded in 1812 and has been a major player in the UK energy market for over 200 years. The company was originally part of the state-owned British Gas Corporation, but was privatized in 1986 and is now owned by Centrica, a multinational energy and services company.


British Gas provides gas and electricity to over 12 million homes and businesses in the UK, making it the largest energy supplier in the country. The company also offers a range of other services, including boiler servicing and repairs, home insurance, and smart home technology.


New Billing System at British Gas

In 2017, British Gas introduced a new billing system, which caused significant problems for many customers. The system was designed to simplify the billing process and make it easier for customers to understand their energy usage and costs.


However, many customers reported issues with the new system, including incorrect bills, delayed bills, and problems with meter readings. The company apologized for the problems and pledged to improve the system.


Since then, British Gas has made a number of changes to its billing system, including the introduction of a new online portal that allows customers to view and manage their bills and energy usage. The company has also increased its investment in customer service and support, with a focus on resolving billing issues quickly and efficiently.

Separation of British Gas Services

In 2020, British Gas announced that it would be separating its services division from its energy supply business. The move was designed to create two separate companies, each with a focus on a specific area of the energy market.

The services division, which includes boiler servicing and repairs, home insurance, and smart home technology, was spun off into a separate company called HomeServe. The energy supply business, which includes gas and electricity supply, remained part of British Gas.

The separation of the services division was intended to create more focused and streamlined businesses, with a greater emphasis on customer service and support. However, some customers expressed concerns about the impact of the separation on their service and support.

Impact on Customers

The recent changes at British Gas have had a significant impact on customers, both positive and negative. The new billing system has caused frustration and inconvenience for many customers, but the company’s efforts to improve the system and invest in customer service have been welcomed by others.

The separation of the services division has also raised questions about the impact on customers, particularly those who use multiple services from British Gas. However, the creation of HomeServe as a separate company could lead to greater focus and investment in these services, which could ultimately benefit customers.

Overall, the changes at British Gas are part of a broader trend in the energy market towards greater competition and customer choice. While these changes may cause some disruption and uncertainty in the short term, they could ultimately lead to a more efficient and customer-focused energy market in the long term.


British Gas is one of the largest and most important energy suppliers in the UK, providing gas and electricity to millions of customers across the country. The recent changes at the company, including the introduction of a new billing system and the separation of its services division, have had a significant impact on customers.

While these changes have caused some disruption and uncertainty, they are part of a broader trend towards greater competition and customer choice in the energy market. With a continued focus on customer service and support, British Gas and other energy suppliers can navigate these changes and continue to provide reliable and affordable energy to customers across the UK.


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