
Navsari, Gujarat: Asia’s Largest Cbg Plant to Produce 16k Tons Annually

by Krystal

Gruner Renewable Energy and a leading business conglomerate are partnering to build Asia’s largest Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant in Navsari, Gujarat. The plant, with an estimated cost of Rs. 220 crores, is a significant step towards India’s cleaner energy goals and aligns with the government’s focus on renewable energy.

Expected to produce 44 tons of biogas per day, the plant will use cost-effective feedstocks like paddy, pressmud, canetrash, and OF MSW, totaling over 16,000 tons of biogas annually. This output supports Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for energy independence and sustainability.


Gujarat is witnessing a surge in green energy projects, with major companies investing in renewable energy. Gruner Renewable Energy’s CEO, Utkarsh Gupta, highlighted the company’s commitment to climate change mitigation and economic growth through sustainable energy. He noted the role of CBG plants in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and generating employment opportunities.


The Navsari CBG plant is part of India’s rural economy plan, benefiting local stakeholders like farmers and laborers. Gruner’s strategic planning ensures efficient biofuel production, waste disposal, and pollution reduction.


Prime Minister Modi announced significant investments in India’s energy sector, including plans for 5,000 CBG plants. CBG has the potential to bridge the gas consumption gap, reducing imports and strengthening renewable energy initiatives.


Gruner Renewable Energy, established in 2023, specializes in sustainable energy solutions, focusing on reducing carbon footprints and promoting environmental sustainability. The company’s rapid growth and success underscore its commitment to a greener future and renewable energy advancement in India.


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