
What Happens to Solar When the Power Goes Out?

by Krystal

Solar energy systems are becoming increasingly popular as homeowners and businesses seek renewable energy sources. However, one common concern is what happens to solar power systems when the electricity grid experiences an outage. To understand this, we must explore the components of a solar power system and how they interact with the grid.

Understanding Solar Energy and Power Outages

Components of a Solar Power System

A typical solar power system includes solar panels, an inverter, and sometimes a battery storage system.


Solar Panels: Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity.


Inverter: The inverter converts the DC electricity into alternating current (AC), which can be used by household appliances and other electrical devices.


Battery Storage: Some systems include batteries that store excess electricity generated by the solar panels for later use.


Grid-Tied vs. Off-Grid Solar Systems

There are two main types of solar power systems: grid-tied and off-grid.

Grid-Tied Systems: These systems are connected to the electricity grid. When the solar panels produce more electricity than needed, the excess is sent to the grid, and the homeowner may receive a credit. When the panels don’t produce enough, the home draws power from the grid.

Off-Grid Systems: These systems are not connected to the electricity grid and rely entirely on solar panels and battery storage for power. Off-grid systems are typically found in remote locations where access to the grid is unavailable or too expensive.

How Grid-Tied Solar Systems Respond to Power Outages

One of the most critical aspects of a grid-tied solar power system is its response to power outages. Contrary to what some might expect, a grid-tied solar system will not provide electricity during a power outage unless it includes battery storage.

Why Solar Panels Stop Working During an Outage

Grid-tied solar systems are designed to shut down during a power outage. This is primarily for safety reasons. When the grid goes down, utility workers must repair power lines and other infrastructure. If solar panels were still sending electricity to the grid, it could create a dangerous situation, known as “islanding,” where the grid is unintentionally energized by distributed sources like solar panels.

To prevent this, the inverter in a grid-tied solar system is equipped with a feature called “anti-islanding.” This feature detects when the grid power is lost and automatically shuts down the inverter, stopping the flow of electricity from the solar panels.

SEE ALSO: What Does It Take to Make a Solar Panel?

Battery Storage as a Solution

One way to ensure that a solar power system can continue to provide electricity during a power outage is by incorporating battery storage.

How Battery Storage Works

Batteries store the excess electricity generated by the solar panels during the day. When the grid goes down, the system can switch to using the stored energy in the batteries. This allows the homeowner to maintain power for essential devices and systems, such as lights, refrigerators, and medical equipment.

Automatic Transfer Switches

In systems with battery storage, an automatic transfer switch (ATS) is often used. The ATS detects the power outage and seamlessly switches the power supply from the grid to the battery storage. This process happens quickly, often in less than a second, so that the homeowner may not even notice the change.

Solar Power with a Backup Generator

Another option for providing power during an outage is to use a backup generator.

Integrating a Generator with Solar

Some solar power systems are designed to work with a backup generator. When the power goes out, the system can switch to the generator for electricity. This can be an effective solution, especially in areas where extended power outages are common. However, using a generator still involves the consumption of fossil fuels, which may be less desirable for those seeking to minimize their carbon footprint.

The Role of Hybrid Solar Systems

Hybrid solar systems combine the benefits of both grid-tied and off-grid systems. They are connected to the grid but also include battery storage.

Flexibility and Reliability

Hybrid systems offer greater flexibility and reliability. During normal operations, the system can send excess electricity to the grid and store some in the batteries. When the grid goes down, the system can switch to battery power, providing uninterrupted electricity. In some cases, hybrid systems can also integrate with backup generators for added security.

Considerations for Installing Battery Storage

While battery storage offers a way to maintain power during an outage, there are several factors to consider:

Cost: Batteries can be expensive, and the cost of a system with sufficient capacity to power a home during an extended outage can be significant.

SEE ALSO: What is the Cost of Solar Energy?

Battery Life: Batteries have a limited lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced. This adds to the long-term costs of the system.

Capacity: The capacity of the battery system will determine how long the home can be powered during an outage. Larger systems can provide power for longer periods but are more expensive.

Advantages of Solar Power During Power Outages

Despite the challenges, there are significant advantages to having a solar power system with battery storage during a power outage.

Energy Independence

A solar power system with battery storage can provide a level of energy independence. Homeowners are less reliant on the grid and can continue to have power even when the utility company experiences problems.

Environmental Benefits

Using solar energy, even during a power outage, reduces the reliance on fossil fuels. This has environmental benefits, as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and the home’s overall carbon footprint.


Solar power systems offer a clean and renewable energy source, but their functionality during a power outage depends on the type of system and whether battery storage is included. Grid-tied systems without batteries will shut down during an outage, while systems with battery storage can continue to provide power.

For homeowners concerned about power outages, investing in a hybrid solar system with battery storage may be the best solution. This setup offers the benefits of both grid-tied and off-grid systems, providing reliable power even when the grid goes down.

Before deciding, it’s essential to consider the costs, benefits, and potential challenges of adding battery storage to a solar power system. By doing so, homeowners can ensure that they are prepared for any eventuality, whether the sun is shining or the power goes out.


What will happen if we run out of solar energy?

We cannot “run out” of solar energy as it comes from the sun, which will continue to produce energy for billions of years. However, if the sun were blocked (e.g., by clouds or nighttime), solar panels would not generate electricity during that time.

What happens to solar power when there is no load?

If there is no load (no demand for electricity), the solar power system will either stop producing electricity or, in grid-tied systems, excess electricity may be sent back to the grid. In off-grid systems, without batteries or other storage, the excess energy would be wasted.

What happens to solar energy you don’t use?

Unused solar energy in grid-tied systems is typically sent back to the grid, where you might receive credits. In off-grid systems, if you don’t have batteries to store the excess energy, it is lost.

Can a solar system work without a battery?

Yes, a solar system can work without a battery in a grid-tied setup, where excess energy is sent to the grid, and power is drawn from the grid when needed. However, without a battery, the system will not provide power during a grid outage.


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