
Gas Prices in the Milwaukee Area Dropping Significantly from Last Year

by Krystal

WHITEFISH BAY, Wis. — If you’ve recently filled up your tank, you’ve likely noticed that gas prices are falling.

On Labor Day, prices per gallon are notably lower than they were a year ago.


“I love it. I’m totally ecstatic about it. Absolutely,” said Amy Matecki. Such enthusiasm is rare when discussing gas prices.


“I told my wife, when we get home, we’re going to fill the car up,” said Mike Dunn.


Recently, many in the area have been pleasantly surprised by the lower prices at the pump.


“I’m just surprised that they’re going down at this time of year,” said Asli Cooper.

According to AAA, the average price for a gallon of gas in the United States is $3.33, down about 50 cents from last year. In Wisconsin, the average is even lower at $3.17.

“I’m really happy to see the prices going down. Especially with winter coming, when I won’t be riding the motorcycle anymore,” said Sam Heinecke.

Prices have dropped across the region, from Thiensville and Whitefish Bay to Milwaukee’s south side.

“It’s a relief! When I can get a half tank for $20, it’s nice!” Matecki added.

Experts attribute the price decrease to lower demand, the absence of major Gulf storms affecting refineries, and increased U.S. oil production. Additionally, September brings a cheaper winter blend of gasoline.

“Get it under $3 and keep it there,” Dunn said. People are hopeful for prices to continue dropping to ease their expenses.

“It doesn’t matter what it costs because I’m going to have to buy it anyway. So, I’ll take it while it’s cheaper,” Matecki noted.

AAA warns that tropical storms developing this time of year could disrupt refineries and cause prices to rise again.


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