
How to Measure Biomass of Plants: A Detailed Guide

by Krystal

Biomass measurement of plants is a critical process in various scientific fields, including ecology, agriculture, and energy research. Understanding how to accurately assess plant biomass provides valuable insights into plant growth, carbon sequestration, and energy production potential. This article will explain, step by step, how to measure plant biomass and the methods involved, ensuring clarity for both novice and experienced researchers.

What is Plant Biomass?

Plant biomass refers to the total mass of living or dead organic material in a given plant or population of plants. It includes roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures. Biomass is often used as an indicator of plant health, productivity, and carbon storage.


Why Measure Plant Biomass?

Measuring plant biomass is essential for a variety of reasons. It helps researchers understand plant growth patterns, assess ecosystem health, and estimate the energy potential of plants when used as a biofuel source. Biomass measurement also aids in determining how much carbon plants capture from the atmosphere, contributing to climate change research.


Methods of Measuring Plant Biomass

There are several methods to measure plant biomass, each varying in complexity, accuracy, and application. Some methods are destructive, while others are non-destructive. Depending on the research goals and the plant species, the appropriate method must be chosen.


1. Direct Harvest Method

The direct harvest method is the most traditional and widely used technique for measuring plant biomass. In this method, the plants are cut at the base and weighed. This method is destructive, meaning the plants cannot be reused or replanted after measurement.



Collect the plant sample: Choose a representative sample size of plants for biomass measurement.

Cut the plants at the base: Use sharp tools to cut the plants at ground level.

Separate plant parts: Depending on the study, you might separate the plants into components like roots, stems, and leaves.

Dry the plant material: Dry the plant material in an oven at 60-70°C until the weight becomes constant (usually for 48-72 hours). This process removes water content, ensuring that only dry biomass is measured.
Weigh the dried plant: Use a digital balance to measure the dry weight of the plant parts.


Accurate and reliable.

Suitable for small plant populations.


Destructive, meaning the plants are no longer viable.

Labor-intensive and time-consuming for large areas.

2. Non-Destructive Methods

Non-destructive methods allow researchers to measure plant biomass without harming or removing the plant. These methods are useful for continuous monitoring over time.

a. Allometric Equations

Allometric equations are mathematical models that estimate plant biomass based on measurements of certain plant characteristics, such as height, diameter, or canopy size. Researchers use these equations to predict biomass without harvesting the plant.


Measure plant characteristics: Measure plant height, stem diameter, and canopy size.

Apply allometric equations: Use predefined allometric equations that relate the measured plant parameters to biomass.

Estimate biomass: The biomass is estimated using these equations, often developed for specific plant species or ecological systems.


Non-destructive and repeatable over time.

Useful for long-term ecological studies.


Requires the development of species-specific equations.

Less accurate than direct methods, especially for diverse ecosystems.

b. Remote Sensing Techniques

Remote sensing is a high-tech, non-destructive method that uses satellite imagery, drones, or ground-based sensors to estimate plant biomass over large areas. It is particularly useful for large-scale studies and ecosystems that are difficult to access.


Acquire remote sensing data: Use satellites, drones, or sensors to capture images or data of the study area.

Analyze data: Analyze the data using software that can interpret vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which correlates with plant biomass.

Estimate biomass: Biomass is estimated based on the vegetation indices and calibration with ground-based measurements.


Non-invasive and suitable for large areas.

Can monitor changes over time and space.


Expensive and requires advanced technology.

Accuracy depends on proper calibration with field data.

c. LIDAR Technology

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is another remote sensing technique used for estimating plant biomass. It works by emitting laser pulses that bounce off the plant surface, creating a 3D map of the vegetation structure.


Collect LIDAR data: Use a LIDAR system to scan the study area and capture the 3D structure of the plants.

Analyze the 3D data: Analyze the data to determine plant height, volume, and density, which correlate with biomass.

Estimate biomass: Use these measurements to estimate plant biomass, often combined with ground truth data for accuracy.


High accuracy and detail in biomass estimation.

Can be applied to various plant species and ecosystems.


Expensive equipment.

Requires specialized knowledge and software for data analysis.

Choosing the Right Method

The method chosen for biomass measurement depends on several factors:

Scale of the study: For small-scale studies, direct methods may be more practical. For large-scale studies, remote sensing or allometric equations are more suitable.

Plant species: Different plant species require different measurement techniques. For example, trees may benefit from LIDAR or allometric methods, while crops are better suited to direct harvest.

Research objectives: If continuous monitoring is required, non-destructive methods are preferred. For one-time measurements, direct harvesting can provide accurate results.

SEE ALSO: How Biogas Is Produced from Biomass?

Factors Influencing Biomass Measurement

Several factors can affect the accuracy and reliability of plant biomass measurements:

Moisture content:

Moisture can significantly affect plant weight. Therefore, drying plant material to a constant weight is crucial for accurate biomass estimation.

Growth stage:

Plant biomass varies at different growth stages. Biomass measurements should be taken at a consistent growth stage to ensure comparability.

Environmental factors:

Temperature, light, and soil conditions can impact plant growth and biomass. These factors should be monitored and considered when measuring biomass.

Applications of Biomass Measurement

Plant biomass measurement is important in several fields:


Farmers use biomass measurement to assess crop productivity and make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting.


Biomass measurements are critical for estimating timber yield, understanding forest health, and managing sustainable forestry practices.


Biomass is a key resource for biofuel production. Accurate biomass measurements help estimate the energy potential of different plant species.

Carbon sequestration:

Biomass measurements contribute to calculating how much carbon is stored in plants, which is important for climate change mitigation strategies.


Measuring the biomass of plants is an essential process for understanding plant growth, energy potential, and carbon storage. With various methods available, including direct harvesting, allometric equations, and advanced remote sensing technologies, researchers can choose the best approach depending on their needs. While direct methods offer high accuracy, non-destructive methods like remote sensing and allometric models provide the benefit of continuous monitoring without damaging the plant. Whichever method is chosen, understanding the intricacies of biomass measurement is crucial for advancing knowledge in fields like agriculture, bioenergy, and ecology.


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