
How Does Electrolysis Work Hydrogen?

by Krystal

Electrolysis is an essential process used to produce hydrogen. It plays a critical role in splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, offering a cleaner alternative to conventional energy sources. Understanding the basics of how electrolysis works in hydrogen production is key for comprehending its broader applications in energy systems.

This article will walk through the detailed workings of electrolysis, its role in hydrogen production, and how the process contributes to energy systems today.


What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a chemical process that uses electrical energy to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. In simpler terms, it applies electricity to break down chemical compounds into their constituent elements. The most common example of this is water electrolysis, where water (H₂O) is split into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂).


The overall reaction in electrolysis is the reverse of a fuel cell. In a fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen combine to produce water and energy. Electrolysis does the opposite, using energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.


The Components of an Electrolyzer

Electrolysis is carried out using a device known as an electrolyzer. This system includes various components designed to facilitate the breakdown of water molecules. A typical electrolyzer consists of the following parts:



The core components in electrolysis are the two electrodes: the anode (positive electrode) and the cathode (negative electrode). These electrodes are submerged in water or an electrolyte solution.


The electrolyte is the medium that allows ions to move between the two electrodes. It can be a liquid solution, such as water with added salts or acids, or a solid polymer in more advanced designs.

Power Supply

Electrolysis requires a direct current (DC) power source to drive the chemical reaction.

When a voltage is applied across the electrodes, water molecules break down into hydrogen and oxygen gas at the respective electrodes.

How Does Electrolysis Work?

To understand how electrolysis works in hydrogen production, it’s crucial to break down the chemical reactions that occur during the process.

The Water Splitting Reaction

At its core, the process of water electrolysis involves the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. This is done through the application of electrical energy across two electrodes submerged in water.

This equation shows that two molecules of water produce two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen.

Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Reaction

At the Cathode (Negative Electrode):

Reduction takes place at the cathode. Water molecules near the cathode gain electrons from the electrical current. This causes the reduction of hydrogen ions (protons) into hydrogen gas. In this reaction, electrons (e⁻) from the power source reduce hydrogen ions to form hydrogen gas (H₂), which bubbles up from the solution.

At the Anode (Positive Electrode):

Oxidation occurs at the anode. Water molecules lose electrons at the anode, releasing oxygen gas and hydrogen ions into the solution. This means that oxygen gas (O₂) is produced at the anode, and it bubbles out of the solution.

Ion Movement in the Electrolyte:

The ions created during the reactions (OH⁻ and H⁺) migrate through the electrolyte. OH⁻ ions from the cathode move toward the anode, while H⁺ ions from the anode move toward the cathode. This movement allows the reactions to continue.

Energy Requirements of Electrolysis

Electrolysis requires energy input in the form of electricity. The amount of energy needed depends on various factors, such as the efficiency of the electrolyzer and the type of electrolyte used. In theory, the minimum voltage required to split water is about 1.23 volts. However, due to inefficiencies in real-world systems, the actual voltage applied is typically higher, often ranging from 1.6 to 2 volts.

Energy losses during electrolysis are mainly due to resistance in the electrolyte and the electrodes, as well as overpotentials—extra voltage required to overcome the natural resistance to the reactions.

Types of Electrolysis

There are different types of electrolysis processes, each with its own characteristics and applications. Below are some common types used in hydrogen production.

Alkaline Electrolysis

Alkaline electrolysis is one of the oldest and most established methods for producing hydrogen. It uses a liquid alkaline electrolyte, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH), to facilitate the movement of ions. Alkaline electrolyzers typically have two electrodes made of nickel, and they operate at temperatures between 50°C and 80°C.

The overall reaction in alkaline electrolysis is the same as in standard water splitting, with hydrogen produced at the cathode and oxygen at the anode. This method is known for its relatively low cost and durability but requires careful handling of the liquid electrolyte, which can be corrosive.

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Electrolysis

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis uses a solid polymer electrolyte instead of a liquid solution. This polymer membrane conducts protons (H⁺ ions) from the anode to the cathode while blocking the passage of gases like hydrogen and oxygen.

PEM electrolyzers have several advantages over alkaline systems, including faster start-up times, higher efficiency, and the ability to operate at higher current densities. However, they are more expensive due to the need for noble metal catalysts like platinum and iridium.

PEM electrolyzers operate at slightly higher temperatures (between 50°C and 90°C) and are often used in small-scale or portable hydrogen production systems.

Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOEC)

Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) operate at very high temperatures, typically between 700°C and 1000°C. In this process, a solid ceramic material acts as the electrolyte, conducting oxygen ions (O²⁻) instead of protons or hydroxide ions.

SOEC systems are highly efficient, especially when combined with heat sources like industrial waste heat. They are particularly well-suited for large-scale hydrogen production in industrial settings. However, the high operating temperatures can lead to material degradation, making maintenance more challenging.

SEE ALSO: How Efficient is Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production?

Applications of Hydrogen Produced by Electrolysis

Hydrogen produced by electrolysis has a wide range of applications, especially in sectors focused on decarbonization and clean energy. Here are some of the key areas where hydrogen is used:


Hydrogen can be used as a fuel in hydrogen fuel cells, powering vehicles such as cars, buses, and trucks. Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) generate electricity by combining hydrogen with oxygen, producing only water vapor as a byproduct.


Hydrogen is an important industrial gas, used in refining petroleum, producing chemicals like ammonia, and in steelmaking processes.

Energy Storage:

Hydrogen can act as a means of storing energy. When electricity from renewable sources (like solar or wind) is abundant, it can be used to produce hydrogen through electrolysis. The hydrogen can then be stored and used later to generate electricity when needed.

Environmental Impact of Electrolysis

One of the main advantages of hydrogen production through electrolysis is its potential for reducing carbon emissions. If the electricity used in electrolysis comes from renewable sources like wind, solar, or hydropower, the entire process can be nearly carbon-neutral, producing only oxygen as a byproduct.

In contrast to conventional hydrogen production methods like steam methane reforming, which release significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO₂), electrolysis offers a cleaner, more sustainable alternative.


Electrolysis is a fascinating and essential process for hydrogen production, offering a clean and efficient way to harness hydrogen from water. By splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity, electrolysis provides a means of producing hydrogen without relying on fossil fuels.

While different types of electrolysis—alkaline, PEM, and SOEC—offer distinct advantages and applications, the common goal remains the same: to provide a sustainable energy solution.


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