
How to Measure Algal Biomass?

by Krystal

Algal biomass measurement is critical in various fields, from biofuel production to environmental monitoring. Understanding the techniques involved can help researchers and industry professionals optimize algal growth, maximize yields, and manage ecosystems more effectively. This article explores detailed, proven methods to measure algal biomass in a laboratory or industrial setting.

Why Measure Algal Biomass?

Algal biomass refers to the total mass of algae present in a specific volume of water. Measuring this biomass helps assess algae’s potential for applications such as biofuels, food supplements, and pharmaceuticals. It’s also essential for understanding ecosystem dynamics, water quality, and carbon sequestration. Algal biomass provides valuable data for those managing algal farms and for scientists studying algal blooms, which can significantly impact marine and freshwater ecosystems.


Common Techniques for Measuring Algal Biomass

1. Gravimetric Method

One of the most direct ways to measure algal biomass is through the gravimetric method. This involves separating the algae from its liquid environment and determining its dry weight. The process typically includes several key steps:


Step 1: Sampling

Start by collecting an appropriate amount of algal suspension from your culture or water body. The sample size will depend on the concentration of algae present and the precision needed for the measurement.


Step 2: Filtration

To isolate the algae, use a filtration system, usually with a filter membrane that traps algae particles but allows water to pass through. The pore size of the filter membrane is essential; it should be small enough to capture all algae species being measured (typically around 0.45 µm).


Step 3: Drying

Once filtration is complete, the filter membrane with the algae is dried in an oven at a controlled temperature (commonly 60-105°C) until a constant weight is achieved. The drying process typically takes several hours and ensures that all moisture is evaporated from the algae, leaving only the solid biomass.

Step 4: Weighing

After the sample is dried, it’s carefully weighed using an analytical balance. The weight difference between the filter before and after filtration provides the dry weight of the algal biomass. This weight is then normalized to the volume of the sample to express the biomass concentration, usually in grams per liter (g/L).

2. Optical Density (OD) Measurement

Optical density (OD) is a quick, non-invasive method used frequently for estimating algal biomass in cultures. The OD method is based on the relationship between the amount of light absorbed or scattered by algal cells and the concentration of biomass.

Step 1: Prepare the Sample

Algal cultures are placed into a cuvette, a small, transparent container made of glass or plastic. It’s important to ensure that the sample is well-mixed and representative of the entire culture.

Step 2: Measure Light Absorbance

Using a spectrophotometer, the absorbance of light is measured at a specific wavelength (commonly around 680 nm for algae). The higher the OD value, the higher the algal biomass concentration. Since OD measurements are relative, a calibration curve must be created to convert OD values into biomass concentration.

Step 3: Calibration Curve

To create a calibration curve, several samples of known biomass concentrations are measured using the same spectrophotometer. The resulting data points are plotted, and a linear relationship between OD and biomass concentration is established. Future OD measurements can then be easily converted into biomass concentrations using this curve.

3. Chlorophyll Content Measurement

Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for photosynthesis in algae, and its concentration is often used as a proxy for algal biomass. Measuring chlorophyll content is a reliable method in both laboratory and field settings.

Step 1: Sample Collection and Filtration

Algal samples are collected and filtered to concentrate the cells, much like the gravimetric method.

Step 2: Chlorophyll Extraction

After filtration, chlorophyll is extracted from the cells using solvents such as acetone or methanol. The sample is typically incubated in the solvent at low temperatures (e.g., 4°C) to allow the chlorophyll to dissolve into the solvent.

Step 3: Spectrophotometric Measurement

Once chlorophyll is extracted, the absorbance is measured using a spectrophotometer at specific wavelengths (commonly 665 nm and 750 nm for chlorophyll-a). These readings are then used to calculate the chlorophyll concentration, which can be correlated with algal biomass using a known conversion factor.

4. Cell Counting and Hemocytometry

Counting individual algal cells is another precise method for measuring biomass. This method is widely used in laboratory settings, particularly for small-scale algal cultures.

Step 1: Sample Dilution

Depending on the density of the algal culture, the sample may need to be diluted to ensure accurate counting. The appropriate dilution factor depends on the concentration of algae and the counting method used.

Step 2: Counting with a Hemocytometer

A hemocytometer is a specialized counting chamber used to count cells manually under a microscope. A small volume of the algal suspension is placed in the chamber, and individual cells are counted within a defined grid area. The total number of cells is then used to calculate the concentration of cells per unit volume.

Step 3: Estimating Biomass

Once the number of cells per milliliter is known, biomass can be estimated by converting cell counts to dry weight, often based on previously established relationships between cell volume and biomass for the specific algal species being measured.

5. Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry is an advanced technique for measuring algal biomass. It provides rapid and accurate cell counts, as well as information on cell size, chlorophyll content, and other properties.

Step 1: Sample Preparation

The sample is prepared by diluting it to a suitable concentration for the flow cytometer.

Step 2: Flow Cytometry Analysis

In flow cytometry, individual algal cells pass through a laser beam one at a time. The light scattered by each cell is measured, and fluorescence emitted by chlorophyll can also be detected. This provides data on cell size, structure, and pigment content, all of which contribute to biomass estimation.

Step 3: Data Analysis

The data collected from flow cytometry is processed to estimate cell concentration, chlorophyll content, and cell size, which can then be used to calculate total biomass.

6. Carbon Content Measurement

Carbon is the primary component of algal biomass, so measuring carbon content can give a direct estimate of algal mass. This method is highly accurate and used in both laboratory and industrial settings.

Step 1: Sample Collection

Algal samples are collected from the culture or water body, filtered, and dried.

Step 2: Combustion Analysis

The dried algal sample is combusted in a specialized instrument such as a carbon analyzer. During combustion, carbon in the algae is converted to CO2, which is measured to determine the total carbon content.

Step 3: Conversion to Biomass

Once the carbon content is known, it can be converted into total biomass using established conversion factors, as carbon typically makes up 40-50% of algal dry weight.

SEE ALSO: How Biogas Is Produced from Biomass?

Factors Affecting Algal Biomass Measurement

Light and Temperature Variability

Light intensity and temperature fluctuations can influence algal growth and pigment production, which can in turn affect biomass measurements. Care must be taken to standardize environmental conditions during the growth and measurement phases.

Species-Specific Differences

Different species of algae have different cell sizes, shapes, and pigment compositions, which can impact the accuracy of certain biomass measurement methods. For example, OD readings may vary significantly between species due to differences in cell structure and pigmentation.

Nutrient Availability

Nutrient levels in the culture medium or water body can also affect algal growth rates and biomass production. It’s essential to monitor and control nutrient concentrations to ensure consistent biomass measurements.


Measuring algal biomass is essential for a variety of applications, from biofuel production to ecological monitoring. Several methods can be used to estimate algal biomass, each with its advantages and limitations. Gravimetric analysis, optical density measurement, chlorophyll content analysis, cell counting, flow cytometry, and carbon content measurement are all valuable techniques depending on the context and resources available. By understanding and applying these methods, researchers and industry professionals can accurately assess algal biomass, helping to optimize growth conditions and assess ecological impacts.


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