
OPEC Supports Azerbaijan’s COP29 Efforts – Secretary General

by Krystal

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 10. – The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is fully backing Azerbaijan’s cooperative approach towards COP29, according to OPEC Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais in an exclusive interview with Trend.

Al Ghais praised Azerbaijan’s role in the Declaration of Cooperation (DoC) between OPEC and non-OPEC producers, a partnership that began in 2017. He highlighted Azerbaijan’s contributions to stabilizing oil markets, ensuring energy security, and reducing emissions.


Rising Global Energy Demands

The Secretary General emphasized the growing importance of addressing both energy demands and environmental concerns. Global primary energy demand is projected to increase by 23% by 2045, while the global population is expected to grow by 1.5 billion. By 2030, around 500 million people will move to cities, which equates to the creation of more than 225 cities the size of Baku.


Al Ghais noted that Azerbaijan’s inclusive approach to COP29 shows how critical it is to balance reducing emissions with providing affordable energy. He also reminded the world that billions of people still lack access to basic energy services, and for them, energy access is not about reducing emissions but about meeting fundamental needs like lighting, cooking, and transportation.


Supporting Fair and Stable Energy Transitions

OPEC, he said, supports Azerbaijan’s spirit of collaboration at COP29. The organization advocates for energy pathways that are fair, orderly, and secure. These pathways should prioritize both energy security and emission reductions, taking into account national circumstances and the need for adequate climate financing for developing countries.


In preparation for COP29, OPEC will host a technical workshop and a climate change coordination meeting in mid-October. These events will include OPEC Member Countries and DoC partners.

Positive Relations Between OPEC and Azerbaijan

Al Ghais underscored the positive relationship between OPEC and Azerbaijan, citing his visit to Baku Energy Week in June, where he met with President Ilham Aliyev and Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov. President Aliyev has been a strong advocate of the DoC, and his recent remarks supporting continued investments in hydrocarbons reflect Azerbaijan’s stance that the world still relies on fossil fuels.

“These resources are a ‘gift from God,’” Al Ghais said, quoting Aliyev. He added that oil remains essential for powering vehicles, heating homes, and developing products like plastics and medical supplies.

Azerbaijan’s Role in COP29

Al Ghais mentioned the high-level energy dialogue held in Vienna with Azerbaijan’s Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev. The discussion, which took place in May, was seen as an important step toward COP29. Azerbaijan is actively engaging all stakeholders, including the oil industry, to ensure that every country can follow its own energy path based on national circumstances and the principles of equity and differentiated responsibilities.

He expressed hope for more high-level dialogues with Azerbaijan, which align with the broader Charter of Cooperation, a framework for multilateral energy discussions.

OPEC’s Efforts on Climate Change

Addressing climate change while supporting sustainable development is a top priority for OPEC Member Countries, Al Ghais said. He emphasized the need to promote all forms of energy and technologies that can support energy security and reduce emissions.

He pointed out that the oil industry plays a key role in supporting renewable energy infrastructure, such as wind turbines and solar panels, which rely on petrochemical-based products. Oil revenues also provide critical fiscal support for many countries, allowing them to fund government budgets, diversify their economies, and mitigate socio-economic impacts during the energy transition.

OPEC members are investing in both hydrocarbons and renewable energy, while actively working to reduce emissions through operational efficiencies and advanced technologies. This includes reducing methane leaks, scaling up carbon capture and storage, and developing clean hydrogen technologies. At COP28, around 50 major oil and gas producers committed to reducing methane emissions to near-zero by 2030.

The OPEC Fund’s Role in Sustainable Development

Al Ghais also highlighted the OPEC Fund for International Development, which was established in 1976 to support sustainable development. The Fund has committed around $27 billion to projects in more than 125 developing countries, focusing on essential needs like food, energy, water, sanitation, and healthcare.

Realistic Approaches to Emissions

OPEC Member Countries take a proactive approach to their climate commitments, Al Ghais noted. While the OPEC Secretariat provides support for climate negotiations, it is up to individual countries to submit their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement.

The first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement took place last year at COP28, allowing countries to assess progress toward their climate goals. Al Ghais stressed that realistic approaches are needed to reduce emissions while promoting economic growth and eradicating energy poverty.

Future Energy Pathways

Looking ahead, Al Ghais emphasized that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for future energy needs. Different nations and communities require diverse energy pathways that address their specific circumstances.

He stressed that OPEC Member Countries are committed to ensuring energy security while promoting investment in all forms of energy and technologies. Future energy strategies must not hinder socio-economic development or dismiss any energy source, as all will be needed to meet the world’s growing demand.

“We should not be dismissing any energy or any technology; we will need them all,” Al Ghais concluded.


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