
How to Store Biogas in a Cylinder: A Detailed Guide

by Krystal

Biogas is a renewable energy source generated from the anaerobic digestion of organic matter, such as agricultural waste, manure, or food scraps. Storing biogas efficiently and safely is critical to its practical use in energy systems. One of the most effective ways to store biogas is in cylinders, which allows it to be transported and used for various applications like cooking, heating, and generating electricity. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to store biogas in a cylinder, focusing on safe practices, equipment, and the proper procedures.

Understanding Biogas and Its Composition

Biogas primarily consists of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), along with trace amounts of other gases like hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitrogen. Methane is the main combustible component, responsible for the energy content of biogas. The proportion of methane in biogas usually ranges from 50% to 70%, depending on the feedstock used.


Storing biogas in a cylinder requires some preliminary steps to ensure that the gas is pure enough for storage and use. This includes cleaning the gas of contaminants, particularly hydrogen sulfide and moisture, as these can damage equipment and reduce the efficiency of biogas when burned.


1. Purifying Biogas Before Storage

Raw biogas contains impurities such as hydrogen sulfide and water vapor, which can corrode storage cylinders and reduce the lifespan of other equipment. Therefore, biogas must be purified before being stored in cylinders.


Removing Water Vapor:

Biogas contains water vapor that must be removed to prevent condensation inside storage cylinders. This is typically done using desiccants or by passing the gas through a cooling system where moisture condenses and can be removed.


Desiccant Filters: Desiccants like silica gel or activated alumina can absorb water vapor from the biogas. These are simple to install and require periodic replacement or reactivation.

Cooling Systems: Another method is cooling the biogas to condense water vapor. When biogas is cooled, the water in it turns into liquid and can be separated using water traps or condensers.

Removing Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S):

Hydrogen sulfide, though present in small amounts, is highly corrosive and can cause significant damage to storage cylinders and pipelines. Purification processes are necessary to remove H2S.

Iron Oxide Filters (Scrubbers): Iron oxide can be used to chemically react with hydrogen sulfide, forming iron sulfide and removing H2S from the biogas stream.

Activated Carbon Filters: These filters trap H2S, making them another effective solution for gas purification. Activated carbon filters need to be replaced or regenerated periodically.

2. Compressing Biogas for Cylinder Storage

Once the biogas has been purified, it needs to be compressed to store it efficiently in cylinders. Compression allows the gas to be stored in smaller volumes, which is important because biogas in its natural state occupies a large volume.

Why Compress Biogas?

Biogas in its uncompressed state is not dense and would require large storage tanks for practical use. Compressing biogas increases its energy density, making it easier to store and transport in smaller cylinders. This is similar to how natural gas is compressed for storage and transportation in CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) cylinders.

Equipment for Compression:

To store biogas in a cylinder, you will need a biogas compressor, which increases the pressure of the gas to fit it into the cylinder. There are different types of compressors used for this purpose:

Piston Compressors: These are commonly used for biogas compression. They are robust and can compress gas to the required pressures.

Diaphragm Compressors: Diaphragm compressors are useful for biogas storage because they avoid direct contact between the gas and the compressor’s moving parts, reducing the risk of contamination.

Optimal Pressure for Storage:

Biogas is typically compressed to a pressure of 200 to 250 bar for storage in high-pressure cylinders. This level of compression ensures the biogas is stored in a dense form, allowing for more energy to be packed into each cylinder.

Safety Precautions During Compression:

Always use compression equipment designed specifically for biogas or similar gases.

Regularly inspect the compressor for signs of wear or damage.

Ensure that safety valves are installed to release pressure if it exceeds safe levels.

SEE ALSO: How to Store Biogas at Home?

3. Choosing the Right Cylinder for Biogas Storage

The type of cylinder used for storing biogas is crucial for both safety and efficiency. There are different options available, depending on your specific needs and the scale of storage required.

Material of the Cylinder:

Biogas cylinders are usually made from high-strength steel or composite materials. The material should be resistant to corrosion, especially because biogas can still contain trace amounts of moisture or sulfur compounds, even after purification.

Steel Cylinders: Steel is a popular choice for biogas storage cylinders due to its durability and ability to handle high pressures.

Composite Cylinders: These cylinders are made from a combination of materials like fiber-reinforced plastics. They are lighter than steel and equally capable of withstanding high pressures.

Cylinder Sizes:

Cylinders come in different sizes, and the choice depends on the amount of biogas you intend to store. For domestic use, small to medium-sized cylinders (ranging from 10 to 50 liters) are common. Industrial users may require larger cylinders, or even bulk storage systems.

Cylinder Valves and Fittings:

Ensure that the cylinder has appropriate valves and fittings that are compatible with biogas. The valves should be designed to handle the specific pressure at which biogas is stored. Additionally, a pressure regulator is often required to control the flow of gas from the cylinder during use.

Labeling and Identification:

Cylinders containing biogas should be clearly labeled to indicate the contents and the pressure at which the gas is stored. This is important for safety reasons, especially if the cylinders are stored alongside other gases or in shared storage areas.

4. Filling the Cylinder with Biogas

After compressing the biogas, the next step is to transfer it into the cylinder. This process must be carried out carefully to avoid any leaks or accidents.

Connecting the Compressor to the Cylinder:

Use appropriate high-pressure hoses to connect the outlet of the compressor to the cylinder valve. Ensure that the connections are tight and that there are no leaks.

Always wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, when handling pressurized gas cylinders.

Filling Procedure:

Open the valve on the cylinder slowly and begin transferring the biogas. The compressor will continue to push gas into the cylinder until the desired pressure is reached.

Monitor the pressure gauge closely to ensure that the cylinder is not overfilled. Overfilling can be dangerous, as it increases the risk of a cylinder rupture.

Final Safety Checks:

Once the cylinder is filled, close the valve and disconnect the hose. Check for any leaks by applying a soap solution around the valve area—if bubbles form, this indicates a leak, and the valve should be tightened or replaced if necessary.

5. Storing Biogas Cylinders Safely

Proper storage of biogas cylinders is essential to prevent accidents and ensure the long-term usability of the gas.

Storage Environment:

Cylinders should be stored in a well-ventilated area to prevent the accumulation of gas in case of a leak.

Keep cylinders away from direct sunlight and sources of heat, as high temperatures can increase the pressure inside the cylinder and lead to safety risks.

Handling and Transportation:

Always handle biogas cylinders with care. Do not drop or roll the cylinders, as this can damage the valves or the cylinder itself.

Use proper trolleys or carts designed for moving gas cylinders, especially for larger ones.

Maintenance and Inspections:

Regularly inspect the cylinders for signs of wear, rust, or damage. Cylinders should also be pressure-tested periodically to ensure they remain safe for use.

6. Utilizing Biogas from Cylinders

Once biogas is stored in a cylinder, it is ready for use in various applications. Depending on the intended use, you may need to install pressure regulators, gas burners, or other equipment to ensure the gas is used efficiently.

Cooking and Heating:

Biogas is often used as a cooking fuel, especially in rural areas where access to conventional LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is limited. Biogas cookstoves are designed to work with low-pressure gas and can provide a sustainable alternative to traditional fuels like wood or charcoal.

Electricity Generation:

Biogas can be used to generate electricity in biogas generators. In this case, the biogas from the cylinder is connected to an engine that burns the gas to produce electricity.

Industrial Applications:

Larger biogas systems can power industrial machinery, boilers, or even vehicles modified to run on biogas.


Storing biogas in cylinders is an effective way to make this renewable energy source more accessible for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. By following proper procedures for purifying, compressing, and storing biogas, it is possible to safely harness the energy contained in organic waste materials. With the right equipment and precautions, biogas storage in cylinders can be a valuable tool for reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting sustainable energy practices.


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