
How Do We Create Nuclear Energy?

by Krystal

Nuclear energy is one of the most efficient and powerful sources of energy, providing a large amount of electricity with minimal environmental impact. Understanding how nuclear energy is created is crucial for appreciating its role in modern energy production. This article will guide you through the fundamental process of creating nuclear energy, from the science behind it to the equipment involved in harnessing this power.

The Concept of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is produced through reactions that involve the nuclei of atoms. The energy comes from the strong nuclear forces that bind protons and neutrons together within an atom’s nucleus. These forces are much stronger than chemical bonds found in conventional energy sources like coal or gas.


There are two primary types of nuclear reactions used to create energy:


Nuclear fission – The process of splitting atomic nuclei.


Nuclear fusion – The process of combining atomic nuclei.


Currently, all commercial nuclear power plants utilize nuclear fission, which is what this article will focus on.

SEE ALSO: Why Nuclear Energy is Considered a Non-Renewable Resource?

Nuclear Fission: The Key to Nuclear Energy

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting the nucleus of an atom into two smaller nuclei, along with several free neutrons and a large amount of energy. This process releases nuclear binding energy, which is the energy required to keep an atom’s nucleus together. By breaking this binding, we can release immense amounts of energy.

How Does Nuclear Fission Work?

In nuclear fission, heavy atoms, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, are used. These isotopes have large, unstable nuclei, making them ideal candidates for fission.

When a neutron is introduced into the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom, it causes the nucleus to become unstable.

This instability leads the uranium atom to split into two smaller atoms, known as fission products.

This splitting also releases two to three additional neutrons, which can go on to initiate fission in other uranium nuclei. This forms a chain reaction.

The Chain Reaction

The chain reaction is what makes nuclear fission a self-sustaining process. Each time a uranium atom splits, it releases more neutrons, which go on to split more uranium atoms. This process continues, producing a significant amount of heat.

However, in a controlled nuclear reactor, the reaction is regulated to prevent it from running out of control, as happens in a nuclear bomb.

Nuclear Reactor Components

To harness the energy from nuclear fission, we need a nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor is a sophisticated system designed to control the fission chain reaction and use the energy produced efficiently. Below are the essential components of a nuclear reactor:

Reactor Core

The reactor core is the heart of a nuclear reactor, where the fission process takes place. It contains fuel rods made of enriched uranium or plutonium. The core also houses moderators and control rods to regulate the chain reaction.

Fuel Rods

Fuel rods are long, thin tubes filled with small pellets of uranium oxide. These rods are where the nuclear fission reaction occurs. Enriched uranium (usually containing 3% to 5% uranium-235) is used because it enhances the likelihood of fission taking place.


The neutrons released during fission move at extremely high speeds, but slow-moving neutrons are more likely to cause further fission. Moderators slow down these neutrons to improve the efficiency of the chain reaction. Common moderators include water, heavy water (deuterium oxide), and graphite.

Control Rods

Control rods are made of materials like boron, silver, cadmium, or hafnium, which can absorb neutrons. These rods are inserted into or withdrawn from the reactor core to control the number of free neutrons and, therefore, the rate of the fission chain reaction. By adjusting the position of the control rods, operators can control how much energy the reactor produces.


A coolant is used to remove the heat generated in the reactor core. Common coolants include water, carbon dioxide, or liquid sodium. The coolant transfers the heat away from the reactor core, allowing it to be used in electricity generation.

Heat Exchange and Electricity Generation

The heat generated by the nuclear fission process is used to produce electricity. Here’s how the energy transfer works:

Steam Generation

The heat from the reactor core is transferred to water in a heat exchanger. This causes the water to boil and produce steam.

Turbine Operation

The high-pressure steam is directed at the blades of a turbine, causing it to spin. The turbine is connected to a generator. As the turbine blades rotate, the generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Cooling the Steam

After passing through the turbine, the steam is condensed back into water using a cooling system, which often involves large cooling towers or nearby water sources. The condensed water is then recirculated back into the heat exchanger to be reused.

Nuclear Fuel Cycle

The process of creating nuclear energy also involves what is known as the nuclear fuel cycle. The fuel cycle includes several stages, from the mining of uranium to the disposal of spent fuel.

Mining and Milling

Uranium, the fuel for nuclear reactors, is mined from the earth in a variety of forms. After extraction, the uranium ore is processed in a mill to separate the uranium from the surrounding rock.


Natural uranium contains only about 0.7% uranium-235, which is not sufficient for most nuclear reactors. The uranium must be enriched, typically to a level of 3% to 5% uranium-235, to make it usable in a reactor.


Once enriched, the uranium is fabricated into small, ceramic pellets that are loaded into fuel rods. These rods are then bundled together and placed in the reactor core.

Spent Fuel and Reprocessing

After several years in a reactor, the fuel rods become less efficient and are replaced. This used or spent fuel still contains uranium and other byproducts, some of which can be reused. In some cases, spent fuel is reprocessed to recover the uranium and plutonium for use in new fuel rods.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy offers several advantages over other forms of energy generation, particularly when compared to fossil fuels:

High Energy Density

The amount of energy produced from nuclear fission is far greater than that produced from the combustion of fossil fuels. One kilogram of uranium-235 can produce as much energy as several tons of coal or oil.

Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Nuclear power plants do not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases during their operation, making them a clean energy source when it comes to air pollution and climate change.

Reliable Energy Source

Nuclear power plants operate continuously and provide a stable and reliable source of energy. Unlike renewable sources like wind or solar, nuclear energy is not dependent on weather conditions.

Safety Features of Nuclear Reactors

Safety is a top priority in nuclear power generation. Modern nuclear reactors are equipped with numerous safety systems designed to prevent accidents and ensure safe operation.

Containment Structures

Nuclear reactors are housed in containment buildings made of steel-reinforced concrete. These structures are designed to prevent the release of radioactive materials in the event of an accident.

Redundant Safety Systems

Nuclear power plants are built with multiple, redundant safety systems to prevent overheating and other dangerous conditions. These systems include backup cooling systems, emergency shutdown procedures, and constant monitoring by operators and automated systems.

Spent Fuel Management

Spent nuclear fuel is highly radioactive and must be carefully managed. It is initially stored in spent fuel pools, where it is cooled and shielded by water. Eventually, it may be moved to dry cask storage or reprocessed for further use.


Nuclear energy is a complex but highly efficient process that involves splitting atomic nuclei through nuclear fission. The energy released during fission is harnessed in nuclear reactors, where it is used to generate electricity. With its high energy density and low greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear energy plays a vital role in meeting the world’s growing energy demands while minimizing environmental impact. Understanding how nuclear energy is created helps us appreciate the technology’s potential and the responsibility required to manage it safely.

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