
Petrol and Diesel Prices Rise for the Second Consecutive Day in Bhubaneswar

by Krystal

Bhubaneswar: Petrol and diesel prices have risen for the second consecutive day in Odisha’s capital, Bhubaneswar. As of Thursday, December 19, 2024, petrol is priced at Rs 101.39 per litre, while diesel costs Rs 92.96 per litre. This marks a 28-paise increase in both fuel prices compared to the previous day.

In Cuttack, fuel prices also saw a rise in the past 24 hours. On Thursday, petrol was priced at Rs 101.70 per litre, and diesel at Rs 93.26 per litre, reflecting a 39-paise increase in the cost of both fuels.


Fuel prices in major Indian cities are as follows:


Delhi: Petrol Rs 94.77, Diesel Rs 87.67


Kolkata: Petrol Rs 105.01, Diesel Rs 91.82


Mumbai: Petrol Rs 103.50, Diesel Rs 90.03

Chennai: Petrol Rs 100.90, Diesel Rs 92.49

Bhubaneswar: Petrol Rs 101.39, Diesel Rs 92.96

The latest increase in fuel prices in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack follows a trend of rising prices across several cities in India.

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