
OPEC’s Decision to Cut Oil Production: Reasons Behind It

by Wendy

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a group of 13 oil-producing nations that collaborate to manage global oil supply and prices. Recently, in 2020, OPEC made headlines by announcing significant cuts to oil production, which had an impact on global oil prices. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind OPEC’s decision to cut oil production and its implications.

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Oil Demand

One of the primary reasons behind OPEC’s decision to cut oil production was the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on global oil demand. The pandemic led to a significant reduction in air travel, road transportation, and industrial activities, resulting in lower oil consumption. As a result, there was an oversupply of oil in the market, leading to a sharp decline in oil prices.


To stabilize oil prices, OPEC decided to cut oil production by 9.7 million barrels per day from May 2020 to April 2022. This decision aimed to reduce the oversupply of oil and balance the demand and supply equation.

  • Reduction in Air Travel

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted air travel worldwide, leading to a reduction in aviation fuel demand. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), aviation fuel accounted for around 8% of total global oil demand before the pandemic. However, during the pandemic, air travel reduced by over 60%, leading to a significant reduction in aviation fuel demand.

  • Reduction in Road Transportation

The COVID-19 pandemic also led to a reduction in road transportation due to lockdowns and restrictions on movement. IEA estimated that road transportation accounts for around 50% of global oil demand. However, during the pandemic, road transportation fell by around 10%, leading to a significant reduction in oil demand.

  • Reduction in Industrial Activities

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant reduction in industrial activities worldwide, leading to a decline in oil demand. Industries such as manufacturing, construction, and mining require a significant amount of oil for their operations. However, during the pandemic, these industries experienced a slowdown, leading to lower oil demand.

Geopolitical Tensions

Geopolitical tensions among OPEC member countries also played a crucial role in the decision to cut oil production. OPEC comprises 13 countries, each with its individual political and economic interests. The geopolitical tensions among these countries often result in disagreements over oil production quotas, leading to supply imbalances and price volatility.

To address these tensions, OPEC agreed to cut oil production to balance the market and prevent a price war. This decision was necessary to avoid destabilizing the global oil market and protect the interests of all OPEC member countries.

  • Disagreements Over Oil Production Quotas

OPEC member countries often have different oil production capacities and interests. These differences sometimes lead to disagreements over oil production quotas, resulting in supply imbalances and price volatility. For instance, in 2014, Saudi Arabia increased its oil production, leading to a sharp decline in oil prices. This move was seen as an attempt to drive out other oil-producing countries and gain dominance in the market.

  • Need for Market Stability

Oil prices are subject to various geopolitical factors that can cause price volatility and instability. OPEC’s decision to cut oil production aimed to maintain market stability by balancing the demand and supply equation. This was necessary to prevent a price war among OPEC member countries, which could destabilize the global oil market.

  • Protection of Member Countries’ Interests

OPEC comprises 13 countries with diverse political and economic interests. The organization’s decision to cut oil production was necessary to protect the interests of all member countries. By balancing the market, OPEC aimed to maintain a stable oil price that benefits all member countries.


OPEC’s decision to cut oil production was primarily driven by the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on global oil demand and geopolitical tensions among OPEC member countries. By reducing oil production, OPEC aimed to balance the demand and supply equation, maintain market stability, and protect the interests of member countries. The decision had significant implications for global oil prices, which reached their lowest levels in decades. However, it also had positive effects, such as stabilizing the market and preventing a price war among OPEC member countries.


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