
Is Number 2 Fuel Oil the Same as Diesel?

by Wendy

Fossil fuels have powered the world for decades, and their importance cannot be overstated. Among these fuels, diesel and number 2 fuel oil are two commonly used types. As both fuels share similar properties, they can often be confused with each other. In this article, we will clear the confusion and explore whether number 2 fuel oil is the same as diesel.

Understanding Number 2 Fuel Oil

Number 2 Fuel oil is a type of heating oil that is commonly used in the United States for residential and commercial heating purposes. Here are some key points to understand about Number 2 Fuel Oil:

  • Composition: Number 2 Fuel Oil is made from a mixture of hydrocarbons, typically derived from crude oil or other petroleum sources.
  • Properties: It has a relatively low viscosity, which means it flows easily at room temperature. It also has a high energy density, meaning it can release a lot of heat when burned.
  • Uses: Number 2 Fuel Oil is primarily used as a fuel for boilers, furnaces, and other heating systems. It can also be used as a backup power source for generators.
  • Availability: Number 2 Fuel Oil is widely available throughout the United States, particularly in the Northeast where it is the most popular heating fuel.
  • Environmental impact: Burning Number 2 Fuel Oil produces carbon dioxide and other pollutants, so it is not considered a clean or environmentally-friendly fuel. However, modern heating systems that use Number 2 Fuel Oil have become much more efficient and emit fewer pollutants than older systems.

Overall, Number 2 Fuel Oil is an important heating fuel that is widely used in the United States. While it has some environmental drawbacks, it remains a popular choice due to its availability and relatively low cost compared to alternatives such as natural gas or electricity.


What is Diesel?

Diesel is also a petroleum-based fuel that is widely used throughout the world. It is a refined product that is produced by distilling crude oil. Some characteristics of diesel fuel are:

  • Chemical composition: Diesel fuel is composed of hydrocarbons, including paraffins, olefins, and aromatic compounds.
  • Viscosity: Diesel fuel has a lower viscosity than number 2 fuel oil, which means it is thinner and flows more easily.
  • Sulfur content: Modern diesel fuel has a much lower sulfur content than number 2 fuel oil, making it suitable for use in most modern engines.

Differences between Number 2 Fuel Oil and Diesel

Number 2 Fuel Oil and diesel are two common types of petroleum-based fuels, but they have some important differences. Here are some key points to understand about the differences between Number 2 Fuel Oil and diesel:

  • Chemical composition

Both Number 2 Fuel Oil and diesel are made from complex mixtures of hydrocarbons, but their specific chemical compositions can differ. For example, Number 2 Fuel Oil typically contains more sulfur than diesel, which can make it unsuitable for use in many modern engines.

  • Viscosity

Number 2 Fuel Oil is generally thicker and more viscous than diesel fuel, which means it flows more slowly and requires more heat to burn efficiently. This makes it well-suited for use as a heating fuel, but not ideal for most transportation applications.

  • Uses

Diesel is primarily used as a transportation fuel, powering trucks, buses, trains, and other vehicles. It is also used in some stationary power generation applications. Number 2 Fuel Oil is used primarily for heating homes and businesses, although it can also be used as a backup power source for generators.

  • Availability

Diesel fuel is widely available at gas stations throughout the world, while Number 2 Fuel Oil is primarily used for heating purposes and is not readily available at gas stations.

  • Environmental impact

Both fuels produce carbon dioxide and other pollutants when burned, but diesel has a lower sulfur content and generally emits fewer pollutants than Number 2 Fuel Oil. However, both fuels are being phased out in favor of cleaner alternatives such as natural gas, electricity, and renewable energy sources.

In summary, while Number 2 Fuel Oil and diesel share some similarities, they are not the same and have different properties, uses, and environmental impacts. Understanding these differences is essential for selecting the appropriate fuel for a particular application, whether it be heating a home or transporting goods.


In conclusion, while number 2 fuel oil and diesel share some properties, they are not the same. Number 2 fuel oil is an unrefined product primarily used for heating purposes, while diesel is a refined product that is suitable for use in most modern engines. It is essential to understand the differences between these two fuels to avoid confusion and ensure that the right fuel is being used for the intended purpose.

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