
Which Cars Were Affected and What Happened?

by Wendy

In 2015, Volkswagen AG, a German car manufacturer, admitted to cheating on emissions tests for their diesel vehicles sold in the United States. This scandal, known as Dieselgate, rocked the automotive industry and resulted in significant financial penalties for Volkswagen. Here’s a closer look at the cars that were affected by Dieselgate and what happened.

Which cars were affected?

The Dieselgate scandal primarily involved Volkswagen diesel vehicles, but it also impacted other brands owned by Volkswagen AG, such as Audi, Porsche, and Skoda. In total, over 11 million vehicles worldwide were affected. In the United States, the following models were affected:

  • Volkswagen Jetta (2009-2015)
  • Volkswagen Beetle (2009-2015)
  • Volkswagen Golf (2009-2015)
  • Volkswagen Passat (2014-2015)
  • Audi A3 (2009-2015)

How did Volkswagen cheat on emissions tests?

Volkswagen installed a “defeat device” in their diesel vehicles that could detect when the car was undergoing emissions testing. During testing, the device would reduce emissions to meet legal limits. However, when the car was being driven normally, the device would switch off, resulting in emissions that exceeded legal limits.


What were the consequences of Dieselgate?

Here are some of the key consequences:

  • Financial penalties:

Volkswagen was hit with more than $30 billion in fines, settlements, and other costs related to Dieselgate. This includes a $14.7 billion settlement with the U.S. government, as well as fines and compensation payments in other countries.

  • Reputation damage:

The scandal damaged Volkswagen’s reputation and brand image, and it also eroded public trust in the wider automotive industry. VW faced significant backlash from consumers, regulators, and investors, and it took years for the company to regain some of its lost credibility.

  • Legal repercussions:

The scandal led to a number of legal cases and investigations, including criminal charges against several VW executives. In addition, other automakers faced increased scrutiny over their own emissions practices.

  • Shift towards cleaner technologies:

The scandal helped fuel a shift towards cleaner technologies in the automotive industry, as governments and consumers pushed for stricter emissions standards and greater transparency around environmental impacts.

Overall, Dieselgate had far-reaching consequences that continue to be felt today. It highlighted the need for greater accountability and transparency within the automotive industry, and it spurred a renewed focus on sustainable, environmentally-friendly transportation solutions.

What impact did Dieselgate have on the automotive industry?

Here are some ways in which the scandal affected the industry:

  • Increased scrutiny:

Following the revelations about Volkswagen’s emissions cheating, regulators and consumers became more skeptical of automakers’ claims about their vehicles’ environmental performance. This led to increased scrutiny of emissions testing practices across the industry.

  • Stricter regulations:

In response to Dieselgate, governments around the world implemented stricter emissions regulations for cars and trucks. For example, the European Union introduced the Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test, which measures emissions under real-world driving conditions rather than in a laboratory setting.

  • Shift towards electric vehicles:

The scandal helped accelerate the shift towards electric vehicles, as consumers and policymakers sought alternatives to diesel-powered cars. Many automakers have since announced plans to phase out internal combustion engines entirely, with some aiming to become fully electric by 2030 or sooner.

  • Loss of trust:

Dieselgate eroded public trust in the automotive industry, particularly among consumers who felt misled by Volkswagen’s false advertising. This loss of trust could be felt across the industry, with other automakers facing increased skepticism from customers and regulators.

Overall, Dieselgate served as a wake-up call for the automotive industry, highlighting the need for greater transparency and accountability around emissions testing and environmental performance. While the scandal had negative consequences in the short term, it may ultimately lead to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future for transportation.

What can consumers do if they were affected by Dieselgate?

Consumers who owned affected Volkswagen diesel vehicles were eligible for buybacks or compensation from Volkswagen as part of the settlement. Consumers who purchased an affected vehicle after September 2015 may also be eligible for a partial refund. It’s important for consumers to check whether their vehicle was affected by Dieselgate and to take appropriate action.


The Dieselgate scandal was a significant event in the automotive industry, with widespread impact on both Volkswagen and consumers. The scandal highlighted the need for stricter emissions regulations and greater transparency in emissions testing. While Volkswagen has taken steps to address the issue, the consequences of Dieselgate will be felt for years to come.

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