
Is Russia a Member of OPEC?

by Wendy

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a group of countries that produce and export oil. The organization is responsible for setting production levels and prices for its member countries in order to maintain stability in the global oil market. Russia is a major oil producer, but it is not a member of OPEC. In this article, we will explore Russia’s relationship with OPEC and why it is not a member of the organization.

What is OPEC?

  • History and Purpose

OPEC was founded in 1960 with the goal of coordinating and unifying the petroleum policies of its member countries. The organization seeks to ensure stable and fair prices for both producers and consumers, while also promoting the economic growth and development of its member countries.

  • Membership

Currently, OPEC has 13 member countries: Algeria, Angola, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Gabon.


Russia’s Relationship with OPEC

  • OPEC+ Agreement

In 2016, OPEC reached an agreement with several non-member countries, including Russia, to cut oil production in order to stabilize global oil prices. This agreement, known as the OPEC+ agreement, has been renewed several times and has helped to support oil prices.

  • Russia’s Cooperation with OPEC

While Russia is not a member of OPEC, it has shown a willingness to cooperate with the organization in order to stabilize oil prices. Russia is one of the largest oil producers in the world, and its cooperation with OPEC has helped to maintain stability in the global oil market.

  • Reasons for Not Joining OPEC

There are several reasons why Russia has not joined OPEC. One reason is that Russia prefers to maintain its independence in terms of oil production and pricing policies. Another reason is that Russia already has strong partnerships with several OPEC member countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, and does not see a need to formally join the organization.

Russia’s Role in the Global Oil Market

  • Production Levels

Russia is one of the largest oil producers in the world, with an average daily production of around 11 million barrels per day. Its oil production is critical to the global oil market, as it is a major source of crude oil.

  • Impact on Oil Prices

Russia’s production levels can have a significant impact on global oil prices. When Russia increases its production, it can lead to oversupply and lower oil prices. Conversely, when Russia reduces its production, it can lead to a decrease in supply and higher oil prices.

  • Future Outlook

As global demand for oil continues to increase, Russia’s role in the global oil market is likely to remain significant. While it is not a member of OPEC, Russia’s cooperation with the organization has helped to maintain stability in the global oil market and ensure that oil prices remain at reasonable levels.


In conclusion, Russia is not a member of OPEC, but it plays a significant role in the global oil market. Its cooperation with OPEC, particularly through the OPEC+ agreement, has helped to maintain stability in the market and support oil prices. While Russia has chosen not to formally join OPEC, its strong partnerships with several member countries, along with its own significant oil production levels, ensure that it remains an important player in the global oil industry.


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