
What is Leaded Fuel: You Need to Know

by Wendy

Leaded fuel was a common type of gasoline used in the United States until the 1970s. It was phased out due to its harmful effects on public health and the environment. In this article, we will discuss what leaded fuel is, how it works, its impact on human health and the environment, and why it was eventually banned.

What is Leaded Fuel?

Leaded fuel is a type of gasoline that contains tetraethyl lead (TEL) as an additive. TEL is a highly toxic substance that was added to gasoline to boost octane levels and improve engine performance. When burned, TEL released lead particles into the air, which could be inhaled by humans and animals.


How Does Leaded Fuel Work?

Leaded fuel works by raising the octane level of gasoline. Octane is a measure of a fuel’s resistance to combustion. Higher octane fuels are less prone to detonation or “knocking” in the engine, which can cause damage over time. By adding TEL to gasoline, manufacturers were able to increase the octane level and improve engine performance.


Impact on Human Health:

  1. Lead Poisoning: Lead is a potent neurotoxin that can cause serious health problems in humans and animals. Exposure to lead particles in the air can lead to lead poisoning, which can cause developmental delays, learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and other health issues.
  2. Respiratory Problems: Inhaling lead particles from leaded fuel can also cause respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. This is because lead particles can irritate the lungs and cause inflammation.
  3. Environmental Contamination: Leaded fuel can also contaminate soil and water. When lead particles are released into the air, they can settle on nearby surfaces, including soil and bodies of water, where they can remain for decades.

Impact on the Environment:

  1. Air Pollution: Leaded fuel is a major contributor to air pollution. When lead particles are released into the air, they react with other pollutants to form smog, which can be harmful to human health and the environment.
  2. Water Pollution: Leaded fuel can also contaminate bodies of water. When rainwater washes lead particles from the air into rivers and lakes, it can harm aquatic life and contaminate drinking water supplies.
  3. Soil Contamination: Lead particles from leaded fuel can also contaminate soil. This can make it difficult or impossible to grow crops, and can harm animals that graze on contaminated land.

Why Was Leaded Fuel Banned?

Leaded fuel was eventually banned in the United States due to its harmful effects on public health and the environment. The phase-out began in the 1970s, and by the mid-1990s, leaded gasoline was no longer produced or sold in the US. Today, only a few countries still use leaded fuel, primarily in developing nations.

Impact of Leaded Fuel on Vehicles:

  1. Damage to Engine Components: Leaded fuel can damage engine components such as spark plugs, valves, and pistons. This is because lead particles can build up on these components over time, causing them to malfunction and wear out more quickly.
  2. Reduced Fuel Efficiency: Leaded fuel can also reduce fuel efficiency by clogging fuel injectors and carburetors. This results in a less efficient combustion process, which means more fuel is required to generate the same amount of power.
  3. Harmful Emissions: Leaded fuel produced harmful emissions that contributed to air pollution. This was particularly problematic in urban areas, where lead particles could accumulate and cause health problems for residents.

The History of the Phase-Out:

The phase-out of leaded fuel began in the 1970s when the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first introduced regulations to limit the amount of lead in gasoline. These regulations were gradually tightened over the years, and by the mid-1990s, leaded gasoline was no longer produced or sold in the US.

Today, only a few countries still use leaded fuel, primarily in developing nations. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 2.4 million premature deaths annually can be attributed to exposure to leaded gasoline. This underscores the importance of phasing out this dangerous fuel worldwide.


Leaded fuel was a toxic and harmful type of gasoline that had serious impacts on human health, the environment, and vehicle performance. Its use has been largely phased out in developed countries due to government regulations and public awareness campaigns. However, it is important to continue working towards a world free of leaded fuel to ensure the health and safety of future generations. The phase-out of leaded fuel serves as a reminder of the importance of regulating potentially harmful substances and technologies to protect public health and the environment.


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