
What Appliances Run on Natural Gas in Your Home

by Wendy

Natural gas is a common energy source used in many homes around the world. It is a reliable and cost-effective way to power various appliances, from heating systems to cooking ranges. In this article, we will explore what runs on gas in a house and discuss the benefits of using natural gas.

Part 1: Heating Systems

  • Furnaces: A furnace is one of the most common heating systems that runs on natural gas. It works by burning natural gas to generate heat, which is then distributed throughout the home using ducts and vents.
  • Boilers: Another type of heating system that runs on natural gas is a boiler. It heats water that is circulated through radiators or under-floor pipes to provide warmth throughout the home.
  • Water Heaters: Gas-powered water heaters are also popular in many homes. They work by heating water using a gas burner, which then flows through pipes to faucets and showers.

Part 2: Cooking Appliances

  • Gas Ranges: Many households prefer gas ranges over electric ones because they offer instant heat and precise temperature control. The burners on a gas range are powered by natural gas, which is ignited using a pilot light or electronic ignition.
  • Outdoor Grills: Gas-powered outdoor grills have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and ease of use. They typically run on propane or natural gas and can be connected directly to a home’s gas line for continuous use.
  • Ovens: Gas ovens work in a similar way to gas ranges, with natural gas powering the burner that provides heat for baking and roasting.

Part 3: Other Appliances

  • Fireplaces: Gas-powered fireplaces offer a cleaner and more convenient alternative to traditional wood-burning fireplaces. They can be turned on and off with a switch or remote control and provide instant heat without the need for wood or ashes.
  • Clothes Dryers: Gas-powered clothes dryers are a popular choice among homeowners because they are more energy-efficient and cost-effective than electric dryers. They work by heating the air inside the dryer using natural gas, which then dries the clothes.
  • Backup Generators: Natural gas can also be used to power backup generators in case of a power outage. These generators provide a reliable source of electricity for essential appliances like refrigerators, lights, and medical equipment.

Benefits of Using Natural Gas

  • Cost-Effective: Natural gas is a relatively cheap energy source compared to other types of fuel, making it an attractive option for many households.
  • Reliable: Natural gas is available 24/7 and doesn’t rely on weather conditions or other factors that can affect electricity supply.
  • Clean: Natural gas is a cleaner-burning fuel than coal and oil, producing fewer emissions and pollutants that can harm the environment.


However, it is important to note that natural gas is a non-renewable resource, which means that it will eventually run out. As a result, many homeowners are now turning to more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives such as solar or wind power.


In conclusion, understanding what runs on gas in a house is essential for homeowners who want to make informed decisions about their energy usage. From heating systems to cooking appliances, natural gas offers many benefits that make it an attractive option for many households. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to take proper precautions to ensure the safe and efficient use of natural gas.


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