
The Dark Side of Natural Gas: You Need to Know

by Wendy

Natural gas has been touted as a cleaner alternative to coal and oil. It is widely used for heating, cooking, and generating electricity. However, natural gas also has several disadvantages that need to be addressed. In this article, we will explore the dark side of natural gas and why its drawbacks should not be overlooked.

Environmental Concerns

While natural gas emits less carbon dioxide than coal or oil when burned, it still contributes to greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. In addition, the process of extracting natural gas through fracking releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere 25 times more effectively than carbon dioxide. Methane leaks during production, transportation, and distribution also add to its total environmental impact.

  • a) Methane Leakage

Methane leakage occurs during different stages of natural gas production and transportations. An estimated 2-3% of produced natural gas leaks into the atmosphere. This may seem like a small percentage, but it equates to significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change.

  • b) Water Contamination

Fracking requires large amounts of water mixed with chemicals to extract natural gas from shale rock. This process can potentially contaminate local water sources, posing a risk to human health and the environment.

  • c) Habitat Loss

The drilling and exploration of natural gas sites can lead to habitat loss, including forests, wetlands, and wildlife habitats. This loss can negatively impact biodiversity and ecosystems, making it difficult for wildlife to survive.


Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Although natural gas is considered a cleaner fossil fuel, it is still a finite resource. Relying too heavily on any fossil fuel, including natural gas, perpetuates our dependence on non-renewable resources. This dependence prevents us from investing in renewable energy sources that do not rely on fossil fuels and emit zero greenhouse gases.

  • a) Resource Depletion

Natural gas is a finite resource that will eventually run out. The more we consume natural gas, the less we have left for future generations. This depletion also makes natural gas increasingly expensive to extract and process, which can lead to price increases for consumers.

  • b) Limited Innovation

Our dependence on fossil fuels like natural gas hinders innovation in renewable energy, slowing down progress towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. Investments in renewable energy sources are crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

  • c) Economic Risks

The fluctuation in prices of natural gas due to resource depletion and geopolitical factors poses economic risks. The volatility of natural gas markets can destabilize economies and energy security by increasing cost for consumers and businesses.

Health Risks

Exposure to natural gas and its byproducts can pose serious health risks to humans and wildlife. These risks include respiratory problems, cancer, and birth defects.

  • a) Air Pollution

Burning natural gas releases pollutants into the air, contributing to poor air quality, especially in urban areas where there is a high concentration of natural gas usage. The pollutants can lead to respiratory issues such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.

  • b) Water Contamination

As mentioned earlier, fracking can contaminate local water sources with toxic chemicals, posing a risk to human health. Exposure to these toxins can cause cancer, kidney damage, and other health problems.

  • c) Safety Hazards

Natural gas is highly flammable and poses a risk of explosions and fires if not handled properly. Leaks in pipelines or other infrastructure can result in accidents that put people’s lives in danger.


While natural gas may seem like an attractive alternative to coal and oil, it comes with a host of disadvantages that need to be addressed. Its impact on the environment, dependence on finite resources, and health risks should not be overlooked. To create a sustainable future, we need to invest in renewable energy sources and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels like natural gas.


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