
Can You Store Gasoline Outside? A Complete Guide

by Wendy

Gasoline is a highly flammable and volatile substance that requires careful storage to ensure safety and prevent accidents. If you have extra gasoline, you may be wondering if it’s safe to store it outside. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that affect gasoline storage, the risks of storing gasoline outside, and tips for safe gasoline storage.

Factors That Affect Gasoline Storage

Several factors can affect the storage of gasoline, including temperature, humidity, and exposure to air and sunlight.

  • Temperature:

High temperatures can cause gasoline to vaporize and degrade quickly, reducing its quality and increasing the risk of fires and explosions. For example, gasoline stored in a garage or shed during summer months can develop vapor pressure and expand, potentially causing containers to rupture.

  • Humidity:

Humidity can cause moisture to accumulate in gasoline, leading to the formation of rust and corrosion, which can damage fuel systems and reduce engine performance.

  • Exposure to air and sunlight:

Exposure to air and sunlight can also degrade gasoline by causing oxidation, which can reduce the fuel’s octane levels, making it less efficient and potentially damaging to engines.


Risks of Storing Gasoline Outside

Storing gasoline outside can pose several risks, including:

  • Flammability:

Gasoline is highly flammable and can ignite from a simple spark or flame. Storing gasoline outside can increase the risk of fire or explosion, particularly if it’s near an ignition source.

  • Environmental impact:

If gasoline spills or leaks into the environment, it can contaminate soil and groundwater, causing severe environmental damage.

  • Theft:

Storing gasoline outside can make it more accessible to thieves, who may steal it to use or sell illegally.

Tips for Safe Gasoline Storage

If you need to store gasoline, it’s essential to do so safely to avoid accidents and protect the environment. Here are some tips for safe gasoline storage:

  1. Use Approved Containers

Use only approved gasoline containers that are designed explicitly for storing fuel. These containers have safety features, such as flame arrestors and automatic shut-off valves, to prevent spills and fires. Avoid using makeshift containers like milk jugs or soda bottles, as they can leak and cause safety hazards.

  1. Store Gasoline in a Cool, Dry Place

Store gasoline indoors in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources like furnaces, water heaters, and engines. If you must store gasoline outside, store it in a shaded area, preferably under a canopy or tarp.

  1. Keep Gasoline Away from Ignition Sources

Keep gasoline away from ignition sources like sparks, flames, cigarettes, and electrical equipment. Store gasoline at least 50 feet away from ignition sources, including buildings and vehicles.

  1. Do Not Overfill Gasoline Containers

Do not overfill gasoline containers. Leave some space in the container for expansion due to temperature changes. Overfilled gasoline containers can burst and cause severe injuries.

  1. Label Your Gasoline Containers

Label your gasoline containers with the date of purchase and the type of gasoline inside. This information can help you track the age and quality of your fuel and avoid using old or degraded gasoline.

  1. Dispose of Old Gasoline Properly

Dispose of old gasoline safely by contacting your local hazardous waste facility for guidance. Do not pour gasoline down the drain or dispose of it in the trash, as it can harm the environment.


Storing gasoline outside can pose several risks, including flammability, environmental impact, and theft. To ensure safe gasoline storage, use approved containers, store gasoline in a cool, dry place, keep gasoline away from ignition sources, do not overfill gasoline containers, label your gasoline containers, and dispose of old gasoline properly. By following these tips, you can prevent accidents and protect yourself, others, and the environment from harm.


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