
Can Diesel be Burned in a Fuel Oil Furnace?

by Wendy

Fuel oil furnaces are commonly used for residential and commercial heating purposes, relying on a specific type of fuel oil. However, there is often confusion about whether diesel fuel can be used as a substitute in fuel oil furnaces. This article aims to clarify the compatibility of diesel fuel in fuel oil furnaces and provide insights into the considerations associated with its use.

I. Understanding Fuel Oil and Diesel:

  1. Fuel Oil: Fuel oil is a generic term used to describe various types of petroleum-based liquid fuels used for heating purposes. It is commonly categorized into numbered grades, such as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4, based on their viscosity and composition. No. 2 fuel oil is the most widely used type for residential and commercial heating applications.
  2. Diesel Fuel: Diesel fuel is a specific type of fuel oil primarily used in diesel engines. It is refined differently from other fuel oils and has a lower sulfur content to meet emission regulations.

II. Compatibility of Diesel Fuel in Fuel Oil Furnaces:

  1. Similarities: Diesel fuel and No. 2 fuel oil share many similarities in terms of their chemical composition and energy content. Both fuels are derived from crude oil and have similar heating values.
  2. Combustion Characteristics: Diesel fuel can burn in a fuel oil furnace due to its similar combustion characteristics. The furnace’s burner can atomize and ignite the diesel fuel, generating heat for space heating purposes.
  3. Equipment Considerations: Some fuel oil furnaces may be designed to handle both No. 2 fuel oil and diesel fuel. However, it is important to consult the furnace manufacturer or a qualified technician to ensure compatibility and determine any necessary modifications.

III. Considerations When Using Diesel Fuel in a Fuel Oil Furnace:

  1. Warranty and Liability: Modifying a fuel oil furnace to burn diesel fuel may void the manufacturer’s warranty or create liability issues. It is crucial to consult the manufacturer or a qualified professional before making any modifications.
  2. Efficiency and Performance: Fuel oil furnaces are optimized to work with specific fuels, and using diesel fuel may affect the furnace’s efficiency and performance. It is advisable to consult a technician to assess any potential impact on fuel combustion, heat output, and overall system efficiency.
  3. Emission Regulations: Diesel fuel has different sulfur content compared to No. 2 fuel oil, which may affect compliance with emission regulations. It is essential to ensure that burning diesel fuel in a fuel oil furnace meets local emission requirements and environmental regulations.

IV. Safety Considerations:

  1. Fuel Storage: Diesel fuel should be stored in appropriate containers, following safety guidelines for flammable liquids. It is important to avoid mixing diesel fuel with other substances or fuels to maintain fuel integrity and prevent potential safety hazards.
  2. Flue Gas Venting: Fuel oil furnaces are designed with specific flue gas venting systems to handle the combustion byproducts. It is crucial to ensure that the flue gas venting system is suitable for burning diesel fuel and can safely handle any differences in emissions.
  3. Professional Guidance: Before attempting to burn diesel fuel in a fuel oil furnace, it is strongly recommended to seek professional guidance from a qualified technician or heating contractor. They can provide expertise and assess the compatibility, safety, and efficiency implications of using diesel fuel in the specific furnace model.


While diesel fuel shares similarities with No. 2 fuel oil, the compatibility of burning diesel fuel in a fuel oil furnace requires careful consideration. Factors such as warranty, efficiency, emissions, and safety should be evaluated before attempting to use diesel fuel as a substitute. Seeking professional guidance from furnace manufacturers or qualified technicians is essential to ensure the safe and optimal operation of the furnace when using diesel fuel.


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