
Red Diesel in the UK: What You Need to Know

by Wendy

Red diesel, also known as gas oil or agricultural diesel, is a specialized fuel widely used in various sectors in the UK. This article aims to explore the cost per litre of red diesel in the UK and shed light on the factors influencing its pricing. By understanding the dynamics that determine red diesel prices, consumers can make informed decisions and better manage their fuel-related expenses.

Understanding Red Diesel and its Usage

Before delving into the cost per litre, it is crucial to understand red diesel and its applications across different industries in the UK.

  • Definition and Composition

Red diesel is a low-tax fuel primarily used in off-road vehicles and equipment in sectors such as agriculture, construction, and marine.

  • It shares similarities with regular diesel fuel but is distinguishable by its red dye, added for identification purposes.
  • Usage and Demand

Red diesel is predominantly used in machinery and vehicles that are not licensed for on-road use.

  • The agricultural sector relies heavily on red diesel for agricultural machinery, such as tractors, combine harvesters, and irrigation systems.
  • The construction industry utilizes red diesel in excavators, bulldozers, and generators, among other equipment.

Factors Influencing Red Diesel Pricing

Several factors contribute to the pricing of red diesel in the UK, determining its cost per litre.

  • Fuel Duty and Taxation

Fuel duty and taxation policies set by the government have a significant impact on red diesel prices.

  • Red diesel is subject to a reduced rate of fuel duty compared to regular road diesel. This lower duty contributes to its relatively lower cost.
  • The government imposes certain usage restrictions on red diesel to ensure it is not used for on-road purposes, allowing for the reduced duty rate.
  • Crude Oil Prices

The global crude oil market plays a crucial role in determining the cost of red diesel.

  • Fluctuations in crude oil prices, driven by factors such as supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, and economic conditions, impact the overall fuel costs, including red diesel.
  • Market Competition and Retail Margins

Competition among fuel suppliers and retailers, as well as retail margins, contribute to red diesel pricing.

  • The level of competition in the market can affect the prices offered by different suppliers.
  • Retail margins, the difference between the wholesale price and the pump price, also influence the cost per litre.
  • Distribution and Transportation Costs

The logistics involved in the distribution and transportation of red diesel impact its pricing.

  • The costs associated with transporting red diesel from refineries or storage facilities to retail locations affect its final price.
  • Factors such as distance, infrastructure, and supply chain efficiency can influence these costs.

Red Diesel Pricing and Current Rates

To provide an understanding of the current cost per litre, it is important to consider the recent trends in red diesel pricing in the UK.

  • Recent Pricing Trends

Red diesel prices can vary over time due to a range of factors, including those mentioned above.

  • While fluctuations in crude oil prices impact red diesel costs, the reduced fuel duty rate provides some stability to its pricing.
  • Industry-specific Variations

The cost per litre of red diesel may vary across industries due to different purchasing volumes and supplier agreements.

  • Larger agricultural or construction businesses may have negotiated contracts with fuel suppliers, potentially securing more favorable prices.
  • Smaller operators or individual consumers may experience slightly higher prices due to lower purchasing volumes.


The cost per litre of red diesel in the UK is influenced by various factors, including fuel duty rates, crude oil prices, market competition, and distribution costs. While red diesel benefits from a reduced fuel duty rate, pricing variations can occur due to market dynamics and industry-specific factors. By staying informed about these factors, consumers can better understand red diesel pricing trends and make informed decisions regarding their fuel-related needs.


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