
The Benefits & Considerations of Storing Gas Cans Outside

by Wendy

Storing gas cans outside is a common practice for many individuals who require additional fuel for outdoor equipment, generators, or emergency preparedness. This article explores the advantages and considerations of storing gas cans outside, emphasizing safety measures and convenience. By understanding the benefits and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure the safe and efficient storage of fuel outdoors.

Advantages of Storing Gas Cans Outside:

  1. Increased Safety: Storing gas cans outside can enhance safety by minimizing the risk of fuel vapors accumulating in enclosed spaces. Gasoline vapors are highly flammable, and storing fuel outdoors reduces the potential for ignition sources and the associated risks of fire or explosions.
  2. Ventilation: Outdoor storage provides natural ventilation, allowing any fuel vapors or fumes to dissipate quickly. Adequate airflow reduces the concentration of potentially hazardous gases, ensuring a safer environment.
  3. More Storage Space: Storing gas cans outside frees up valuable storage space indoors, particularly in garages or utility rooms. By utilizing outdoor storage options, you can declutter your living space and dedicate it to other essential items.
  4. Easy Access: Outdoor storage of gas cans provides easy access to fuel when needed. Whether you require fuel for lawn equipment, outdoor power tools, or emergency situations, having the cans readily available outside saves time and effort.

Considerations for Storing Gas Cans Outside:

Safety Precautions:

While storing gas cans outside offers benefits, it is crucial to follow safety precautions:


Choose Approved Containers:


Use only approved and properly labeled gas cans that are specifically designed for fuel storage. These cans should have secure lids and child-resistant features to prevent accidental spills or tampering.


Keep Away from Ignition Sources:


Store gas cans away from potential ignition sources, such as open flames, electrical outlets, or appliances. Ensure the storage area is well away from heat sources, including direct sunlight, to prevent fuel evaporation and expansion.

Secure Storage Area:

To prevent unauthorized access and potential accidents, store gas cans in a secure location that is out of reach of children and away from high-traffic areas.

Climate Considerations:

Outdoor storage may expose gas cans to fluctuating temperatures, which can impact fuel quality and canister integrity:

Temperature Control:

Avoid exposing gas cans to extreme temperatures. Excessive heat can cause expansion and pressure buildup, potentially leading to leaks or fuel degradation. Similarly, extreme cold can affect fuel volatility and make it harder to start engines.

Sheltered Storage:

Consider using a storage shed, well-ventilated garage, or a covered area to provide protection from the elements. This helps maintain a more consistent temperature and prevents exposure to direct sunlight or heavy rain.

Fuel Rotation and Maintenance:

To ensure fuel freshness and performance, adhere to the following practices:

Fuel Rotation:

Rotate the stored fuel regularly by using the oldest canister first. This helps maintain fuel quality and prevents long-term storage issues.

Inspection and Maintenance:

Periodically inspect the gas cans for signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or deterioration. Replace cans that show signs of wear or damage to prevent accidents and fuel contamination.

Compliance with Local Regulations:

Before storing gas cans outside, familiarize yourself with local regulations, restrictions, and safety guidelines regarding the storage of flammable substances. Adhering to these regulations helps ensure compliance and maintain community safety.


Storing gas cans outside offers several advantages, including increased safety, improved ventilation, convenience, and additional indoor storage space. However, it is essential to prioritize safety measures and consider climate conditions when storing fuel outdoors. By following proper storage guidelines, adhering to safety precautions, and complying with local regulations, you can safely and efficiently store gas cans outside, ensuring a convenient and accessible fuel supply for your outdoor equipment and emergency preparedness needs.


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