
Is Piedmont Natural Gas Owned by Duke Energy? A Comprehensive Analysis

by Patria

In the realm of energy providers, the intertwining of companies can be complex and confusing. One such relationship that often raises questions is the connection between Piedmont Natural Gas and Duke Energy. Both are prominent players in the energy sector, but are they one and the same? To unravel this enigma, it’s crucial to explore the intricate web of natural gas companies, their histories, and their affiliations.

Piedmont Natural Gas: A Brief Overview

Before delving into its ownership, let’s first understand what Piedmont Natural Gas is and its role in the world of natural gas. Piedmont Natural Gas is a major regional natural gas utility serving over a million residential, commercial, and industrial customers across the Southeastern United States. They distribute, transport, and sell natural gas, providing a crucial energy source for a wide array of applications.


The Origins of Piedmont Natural Gas

Piedmont Natural Gas was established in 1951 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and has since expanded its operations throughout the region. It has become a reliable source of natural gas for homes and businesses, playing a pivotal role in meeting the energy needs of the communities it serves.


The Duke Energy Connection

Now, let’s address the question at hand: Is Piedmont Natural Gas owned by Duke Energy? The answer is yes. Duke Energy, another major player in the energy sector, acquired Piedmont Natural Gas in 2016. This acquisition marked a significant development in the energy industry and has had implications for both companies and their customers.


Natural Gas Operations Post-Acquisition

Following the acquisition, Piedmont Natural Gas continued to operate as a separate entity within the Duke Energy family. This allowed it to maintain its focus on natural gas distribution and service while benefiting from the resources and expertise of Duke Energy, one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States.


Synergies and Benefits

The merger between Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas has brought about several advantages for both companies. One of the primary benefits is the ability to leverage their combined expertise to develop innovative solutions for the natural gas sector. This includes advancements in infrastructure, safety measures, and sustainability initiatives to ensure the reliable supply of natural gas to their customers.

Customer Impact

For customers of Piedmont Natural Gas, the ownership by Duke Energy has generally meant business as usual. They continue to receive the same level of service and reliability they have come to expect. Additionally, customers may also benefit from potential cost efficiencies that can result from the integration of operations and resources.

Sustainability and Natural Gas

In today’s energy landscape, sustainability is a pressing concern. Natural gas, often touted as a cleaner alternative to some other fossil fuels, plays a pivotal role in the transition to a more sustainable energy future. Both Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas are committed to environmental responsibility and are actively exploring ways to reduce emissions associated with natural gas operations.

Regulatory Oversight

It’s important to note that the energy sector, particularly natural gas, is subject to rigorous regulatory oversight at both the federal and state levels. The acquisition of Piedmont Natural Gas by Duke Energy was subject to regulatory approvals to ensure that it did not hinder competition and was in the best interest of consumers.

Future Prospects

As the energy landscape evolves, the role of natural gas is likely to undergo changes as well. Both Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas are well-positioned to adapt to these changes and continue to provide reliable natural gas services to their customers. Their combined resources and expertise make them formidable players in the energy sector.


In conclusion, Piedmont Natural Gas is indeed owned by Duke Energy, following its acquisition in 2016. This ownership has allowed both companies to strengthen their positions in the natural gas industry and work together to provide reliable, sustainable, and innovative natural gas solutions to their customers. As the energy landscape continues to evolve, these two companies will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of natural gas in the United States.

The connection between Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas underscores the interconnected nature of the energy sector, where companies collaborate to meet the diverse energy needs of communities while navigating the complexities of regulation and sustainability. Natural gas, as a crucial energy source, remains a focal point in this ever-changing landscape, and these companies are well-prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


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